19 kids and no caffeine?
19 kids and no caffeine?
So, y'know how sometimes birth control is used to address other issues, essentially on the basis of a benevolent side effect? Why hasn't a drug manufacturer made up a medication to treat one of those conditions, and the drug just happens to have the benevolent side effect of if you take it every day it will impede…
My religion states that I am to have access to birth control. And that other people getting in the way of that is also against my religion. So there.
If you're never going to have children, going on the pill for two years reduces your risk of ovarian cancer by more than 10%. Those nuns might want to do some research and consider funding their own birth control pills.
"We don't speak."
You're a terrible person and I love it.
Kendra and Ricky were reportedly only given a two game suspension by the NFL.
I don't think it was idiocy, per se. I think those two fuckwads thought Higgs would be interested in being a part of their little hell on Earth. I suspect the plan was to whore Lockwood out, as they were having financial troubles.
"When Higgs came back the next day...."
It infuriates me that anti-choicers can stalk, harass and murder abortion clinic doctors and stalk and harass people who go into the abortion clinics (or even non-abortion providing planned parenthoods). They can take photos of people's faces and their licenses plates and put them online, sometimes even putting…
Are you white/can you pass for white?
I don't understand how the buffer zones can't be allowed. If the people protesting have a constitutional right to do that, doesn't the first amendment also give people who wanna show up to make a buffer zone the right to do that?
Ugh, one thing I do not miss about campus life. My old roommate had the awesomest glitteriest response sign ever that said "Have a Gay Day!" that he waved around while making-out with his boyfriend. If we could find a way to harness the energy of their rage we could solve climate change tomorrow!
Tell me. Where do I sign up for your fanclub? And what are the dues?
This I don't get, how is it freedom of speech to harass another person. You are being disrespectful to their wishes and to themselves, because you feel morally higher? I've never understood how there aren't laws against this.
Suppose we sent a bunch of people out to "converse" with people having cosmetic surgery, in the name of believing in a god that created beauty in every person, so why should we interfere with that? Or try to stop transplants, because if god decides your kidneys are going to fail, why should we stop that? I think we'd…
"But San Francisco lawmakers and police are working together to find a balance that keeps clinics safe from aggressive protesters while guaranteeing freedom of speech."
NO. Freedom of speech is what these bastards hide behind. They do not have the right to harass innocent people seeking medical treatment. You don't…
By the time I was 6, I had two little sisters. We went on our first family vacation that year, and (now that I know what kind of hell it is to share a hotel room with children) my parents weren't exactly relaxing. By the end of the trip, their plan was to load up the car while we were all still asleep (when you're…