AndNowIKnowHowJoan of Arc Felt

I know that picture, too.

The apple does not fall far from the tree....if you recall, Babs made some pretty awful comments after Hurricane Katrina.

All of the victims in today’s shooting were female. I think you are right in saying it is a male problem.

Same here. I teach at a community college and we have to do these lockdown drills once a semester. You have to lock the doors, turn off the lights and not move or talk for the whole drill.

Could be....I’m getting old and forgetful. slap that smirk off Chaffetz’s face. And as Chris Hayes just pointed out, why is the “pink” number of 900K (sorry, I can’t see exactly what the figure is) placed lower than the “red” number of 327K? How ridiculous is that?

Loretta Lynn was a grandma at age 29. So, I guess?

slamming my door shut, solidarity.


“Not because of autism concerns, but that getting doses too close together can limit their effectiveness.”

I once had sex inside a stone circle (not Stonehenge, in case you were wondering).

Wish I worked with Office Jesus.

Fassbender makes me melt....and other squishy feelings.

Sign me up as your first investor!

Minnesota is alive and well...did your neighbor happen to notice that?

Was reading about this case elsewhere, and folks are commenting that this woman has been married/divorced four times. Has anyone else heard the same?

I saw DM and thought: Doc Martens?

It’s the physician responsibility to obtain informed consent. This is typically done privately or maybe with family members present. Nurses and other healthcare providers are there to verify informed consent was obtained and if not, contact the MD to get it straightened out. I have been a nurse for over twenty years,

I was having a bit of fun with that but yes, is rather a “male” trait to be moody and crabby. Not necessarily a female one, as has otherwise been implied through the centuries.

Tana, since you are so smart...I am sure that you already know that “that time of the month” (I am assuming most people are referring to PMS here) is when a woman’s estrogen and progesterone levels are at their lowest...making her more “like a man” than at any other time.