AndNowIKnowHowJoan of Arc Felt

“Warm hearted”. That one really bugs me.

Was there something in particular about this article that you felt was untrue or irresponsible?

There is no point in majoring in education (at least in this state) anymore. Public workers are vilified. It sucks.

I live in Wisconsin...tell your boyfriend that it snowed here today.

If Queen Elizabeth the First were here, she’d bitch slap that woman.

I want that little porcelain unicorn.

If you are ever in the Upper Peninsula (not sure why you would be) try to visit the DeYoung Zoo (we call it the five dollar zoo). They feed roadkill to the animals. The animals are separated from visitors by two rows of chain link fences...that's it. The crocodiles are kept in a muddy pond surrounded by a four foot

I can attest to the state’s hatred of Walker.

Does anyone think that one could get a restraining order in the same way? Thinking of the possibilities.....

London, New Year’s Eve....jam-packed double decker bus. I felt so awful, I needed to get off. I puked in a rubbish bin on the sidewalk. The entire bus applauded.

If so, I hope you get more followers than Laura Ingraham ever does.

Fischer -Price catalogue....oooh, I see what you did there.

I splurged on that heated lash curler, doesnt work.

if you remember the name of the stuff with the iron like applicator, please post it! I need some help in that department.

What's the Margaret Mead quote? Never forget a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world !

Agree. This is all so blatantly stupid. As you mention, abortion is a very safe procedure. If a complication would occur, any woman would go to the nearest ER for evaluation and treatment. She would receive treatment regardless of her doctor's admitting status. Moreover, there is no guarantee the woman would

Dying...thank you. Jezebel commenters are the world's best.

Lindsey, you ain't exactly pin-up material yourself.

Funny about the Disney thing because my dad wouldn't let us watch BAMBI as kids because it was anti-hunting! I know...crazy!