
Fantastic finale. And the last chance to see Andy Whitfield thanks to fucking NHL.

OK, I don't know if you're the first to suggest this or not, but I now desperately want to see a movie that acknowledges the shared universe of Zeist and AvP... Specifically with immortal alien Sean Connery battling PredAliens under an Ozone-less orange sky.

Count me as one who thought the ending to Quantum Leap is the perfect example of #6, and the only way that show could have ended. Honestly, I just rewatched it and it's still bloody perfect.

Thank you for this. Just when the daily stresses were threatening to overtake, it's good to be reminded of the true scale of things.

See, I never had a problem with 2010 or 2061... But this is exactly how I felt about 3001. Frakking ID4-Jeff-Goldblum-computer-virus???? Seriously??? Talk about destroying the mystery....

You know, the weird thing is I actually like the new movie costume better than the new comics one, for several reasons:

Dude... McCoy is really taking that divorce hard.

I'm a DC guy... but that's possibly one of the most badass things I've ever seen. If I could go back in time and tell my 10 year old self that they'd make a movie someday where Thor and Captain America are standing in the midst of a ruined NYC, I'd never have believed me.

"Superman Returns is the ultimate metrosexual hero and just like emo and other kinda types, it disappeared from the society."

Man, I loved those books. And the movie, while not great, at least set the stage for what could have been ridiculously dark and awesome 2nd and 3rd chapters... I like to think that in a parallel world somewhere (heh), these movies are available on blu.

For a fair number of these, I seem to remember hearing them called "flops" at the time because of how poorly they were critically received, regardless of final receipts. Also, the "opening weekend" factor plays a HUGE role in public and media perception of a movie's success or failure; take the new Sherlock Holmes

Paradise Lost has been put on hold???? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It could be the massive arial battle from ROTJ, but with ANGELS!!!!! How can this not get made???

Love. This. Movie.

I strongly second these questions, and would love an answer, especially wrt the gauge boson mass inquiry.

While I'm 99% in agreement with the sentiment that people in glass houses etc, etc..., what exactly do you mean by "The US is hardly a template for responsible use of nuclear power" ?

"We dream in order to ease our painful memories."

I've never wanted a movie to be good as badly as I want Man of Steel to be, and succeed. Because the alternative... I feel like we could use a Superman presence in popular culture these days, beyond the comics and I don't mean another 30 year olds-playing-teens-playing-superhero venture. The character needs a win,

Agree. Thing that kills me is Marvel brings back Bucky at the same time DC decides to un-dead Jason Todd... Both characters that it was thought sacrilege to bring back. Marvel does it so well the character develops a huge fan base of his own and even was made Captain America for a while... DC botches it so badly the

Not at all. Read the issue! Or just ask around, it's much better than I'd hoped.

Please God let there be sex in the afterlife!!! I have a sneaking suspicion if there IS sex, it's totally vanilla.