I'd pay $30 to watch a 2 hour movie of this in the theatre. Several times.
I'd pay $30 to watch a 2 hour movie of this in the theatre. Several times.
Sigh, yeah the F-35 is one of those design decisions that I totally understand from a fiscal POV, but man does it bug the hell out of me from an engineering POV.
Ahhh the X-29. The FSW design made it nimble as all hell, but also a little wobbly for mid-air refueling if memory serves, not that that ever stopped the F-117 "Wobblin' Goblin" herself. I do wonder what becomes of these planes like the X-29, X-31 and 32, and my long lost love the YF-23... I want to believe they're…
Ohhhh yes. I loved that plane... it was like the beautiful daughter of the F-117 and the F-15. It was also clearly the superior plane during the ATF trials, but they went with the F-22 mostly for the thrust-vectoring, which of course is less than useless in an age where we engage the enemy over 50 NM away, and…
Umm... Condom much? They usually don't inspect it.
"But what happens when we no longer need people to work?"
Completely agree; the other factor that Blue Gene is not simulating, but is of questionable significance within cognitive science, is the role of electromagnetic fields produced by the firing of neurons themselves, and the feedback influence that those fields have on neighboring neurons in either increasing or…
Hell to the Freaking Yes! The Wing Commander series of games, even including Wing Commander: Prophecy, were bleeding amazing. I can't think of another series that sucked my middle-school aged self into the story and the characters, while providing all the flight-sim alien-blasting fun I could contain.
In all seriousness:
And I've loved him since Sportsnight.
I actually wanted BuckyCap's uniform, all shiny and everything.
I don't disagree... but you'd have to replace "Reloaded" with "Revolutions." Because nearly EVERYTHING that was fucked in Reloaded, could have been fixed if the resolution to the cliffhanger went differently:
Yeah, I'd love that. Likely won't happen, but a toss-off line like that is juuuussssst close enough to the "...much more subtle" quip from Alfred in TDK that I could see something similar.
You got your Unicorn clip in my Batman: Year One space.
One can only hope. I want to like JT but remembering how he was brought back just gives the whole thing a bad taste. The movie version was great, made sense for Batman's world, and was cool enough to make him someone you could kinda-sorta root for.
Heck yes. I was watching with friends and the entire room shot back 2 feet with a general "Where the FRAK did THAT come from??!?!?"
Yeah, that gets a heart.
Yeah I know, right? Superman: The Movie was like JUST YESTERDAY, man. Fuckin' hell, 1978? And this thing's being released in 2013? 35 FREAKIN' YEARS??? I mean, they should AT LEAST wait 50 years, or people will be totally confused!
The F-X isn't a bomber. I assume it's a multi-role fighter in line with the F-35's "One-Size-Fits-All-Poorly" mentality.
Ack! By ONE minute!