That Deadpool lookalike is the Red Hood, aka Jason Todd, aka the Kid We Voted To KILL in 1986.
Ahhh yes John Hurd, who sadly died during the filming of the iconic scene and was never Hurd from again.
Pfft. Mr. Pettigrew's clearly obfuscating, as he knows these lights are really Unicorn heralds of his master Lord Voldemort's return.
George Reeves didn't really do the nerdy Clark Kent thing at all. He was more just low key, but still charming. "Mild mannered," you might say.
In horrible taste, but you still made me spit milk.
Saying "there's no reason for Supes to be in textured rubber" WOULD make sense... if the costume was supposed to be textured rubber IN the movie. It's not. In this pretend world of "the movies," we commonly use one material and 'pretend' it's something else. Like plastic guns that 'pretend' to be real ones. Or…
This is so totally like the 2nd challenge in The Last Crusade. Love.
I vote Ripley from Aliens.
Are you kidding? As a doctor working in Texas of all bloody places, this seems pretty obvious:
Cause there's over 50 members to this insane "band," so who can keep them straight? Also they tour in small groups, so presumably everyone just thought she was always in the OTHER group's show.
And here I was thinking how it's not even necessary for things to look remotely human for people to fall in love.
Or... The universe is a shitload older than we thought.
Yes. I have just polled the entire population of Star Wars fans and yes, you are the only one.
See, this is why I hearted you all those millennia ago.
Thing is, it's not a reboot at all. Characters are just getting screwed around with, like One More Day in Spiderman erasing the marriage.
The only thing that keeps people coming back to the Roswell story is that it wasn't just local folks saying they found a UFO: the Air Force issued a press release SAYING THEY RECOVERED A FLYING SAUCER.
More or less. One of the biggest obstacles was keeping a returning craft stable without going into a spin or tumble when reentering the atmosphere, since normal control surfaces are useless at those altitudes. The elegant solution in this case was to put the aircraft in a configuration that would ensure it remained…
That will be less of an issue in practice, since it will feather near the apex of its circuit, where the air is too thin for aerodynamic flight. This was just a test of the system conducted at 40,000 feet, where I believe they should already be retracted during the return leg.