
They sue our asses into oblivion. House staff orientation had a whole half hour devoted to JWs and the legal pitfalls we can get ourselves into.

I have to admit, for a franchise I was never a huge fan of, and certainly not the 3rd installment, this has been the most consistently impressive series of trailers I think I've seen for a superhero movie. I've gone from a "Won't see it" to a "Might catch it" to an "Opening weekend," so marketing works!

I commented on the picture itself - all I can see is Scrotal Hematoma.

Well... I doubt that, since that's what actually makes him "Spider-Man."

So... Torn... Want to support their use of practical stunt work... but that costume is just.... horrid.

Didn't think I was being 'bitchy;' You asked if I honestly liked 'aura-vision,' I explained why it seemed an obvious thing for Superman to have. You asked why Earth One was crap, and I explained why it was shit. You made an "Argument 3" about the story clearly taking place in the present day, and I replied to that.

As it has long been established that Clark has x-ray vision, being able to see in other bands of the EM spectrum made perfect sense, so I really never gave a second thought to "aura vision," really. You realize your brain gives off EM waves, right? That's what an EEG measures. And when you die, it flatlines. If

THANK YOU. I was almost yelling at my screen as I read this article.

In the minority of what? Of people who READ it? I find that difficult to believe, but since you say it's a fact I'm sure there's figures, graphs, polling data, etc... to back that up. Unless you just mean that out of the different origin stories, more people preferred a different origin story to Birthright? Which

Go back and watch the first trailer: the forest is still in there, and so is King's Cross.

SPOILER: And loses. That's why it's awesome.

It's a different medium, so of course certain things need to be different... while I haven't liked all the changes, for the most part I've understood why they were made.

Totally agree with you there, it was a real missed opportunity. Almost compounded by what a waste Steph's turn in the role was, almost insulting really. First girl in the role, and she's in it for like a few weeks, starts a gang war, gets herself nearly killed, and causes millions in damage. Nice. Though in

You're right, though I always liked that unlike everyone else who's filled the Robin role, he was the only one who seemed like he earned it, and made an attempt to answer the question "Why does Batman need a Robin, anyway?" which got very meta since the in-story reason was the same as the sales reason.

You know, I've never been a "shipper," as I hear they're called... but I'd pay an extra $2.99 per week if they wrote Tim and Cass hooking up and becoming an ass kicking couple.

Well I'm convinced! Changed my whole mind right there. Nicely illustrated.

I hate that little punk.

No, sadly Birthright has been largely ignored by DC so it doesn't have any bearing on the current story lines.

Birthright's isn't much longer. No childhood, no crash landing, no growing up angst (except later in flashbacks). Just the opening with the folks on Krypton, the launch, and the KABLOOY! then cut to Africa and gunplay.

My thoughts exactly, LOVE Birthright. If they do Birthright but replace Luthor with Zod and an ACTUAL Kryptonian invasion, it could be balls-out insane, but fun as hell.