
Great song before they tried to up the tempo. Season 1 was awesome.

So they're making Superman: Birthright. But with Zod.

Bless you all. I somehow assumed after reading the 389,902,112 articles gizmodo put up when the iPad came out that their site would naturally be iPad friendly. Some kind of sick joke to run a gadget blog with articles on a gadget that you can't read the articles about the gadget...on. Yeah.

Alright, I've had it.

What is this from, and why have I not seen it before?!?

@MeredithMcKay: I'm stuck here too. Unfortunately, there's nothing in my life I want to change that's happened in the last 2 weeks.

Really? I dunno... my dad's about Oldman's age and whenever he refers to something that's "New" he usually means within the last 20 years. "Old" stuff is from when he was a kid, so like 50s-60s.

It blew my mind when CHUD mentioned he was the voice of the King in the Royal Flush Gang on Batman Beyond.

Whoa, slow down chief. Once "fascist" works its way into a conversation I know rationality is dwindling fast.

I dunno guys, having used both extensively, I still think a jailbroken iPhone 4 outpaces any Android device I've tried.

@heartagram_ben: I'm rather certain that Philip K. Dick was first, thank you.

The way the X-axis is labeled, it looks like "closer" is further to the right?

Weird, I thought the only thing they DIDN'T change was the screen resolution. This is completely analogous to the iPhone 3G after the 1st gen: the body shape has changed, it's much faster, the software has been upgraded, but the screen's the same. People lined up for the 3G, so why wouldn't they for the new tablet?

All things steampunk just make me miss THIEF :(

What????? No love for the Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider action figure that looks FREAKIN AWESOME?

I so heartily disagree.

Yes, it's because our main methods of detection rely on either gravitational wobble that the planet causes on the parent star (meaning the closer and more massive a planet is, the more likely we are to detect it) or by catching the dimming of the star caused by the planet eclipsing it briefly during its orbital

"Except when you can't see the jets, because you're underneath a retractable dome. That's retracted."