I'll play devils advocate:
I'll play devils advocate:
If they brought back the PS1 soundtrack and got rid of the midi garbage, i may buy it.
Goddamnit. I was listening to last week's bombcast as I read the news on twitter.
You missed BLATZ! Appropriately titled since thats the noise your ass makes the morning after consuming 15-20.
College fuel. Nothing better than a 30 pack and a bottle of Mr. Boston's Rum.
Please let me know the Playstation network names/Xbox Live gamertags of the person playing this demo SO THAT I CAN AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE. I have not been frustrated watching someone play an FPS since I had to teach my girlfriend how dual joysticks work in 3d environments...
I think the real answer is: For anyone with an HTC One or a S4, FUCK NO.
XBox 360 owner: Thanks Rockstar - I was an early adopter and do not have a 360 with a big enough HDD to handle another 8gb game without deleting all my other content.
Failed to insure the store and inventory......
Im really enjoying the Microsoft haters down here in Comment Town saying that Mattrick is jumping ship.
While I think there have been some gross overreactions to these "Controversies" with penny arcade, here are my $0.02
He has more rings than you have sexual conquests, Newell. What is there to discuss?
Imagine what would have happened if it had been a Matlock rerun. The place would be in ashes. We should pray it wasn't worse than approximately 7.50$ IN FUCKING TIPS> WAH WAH WAH.
So it has the same cover mechanics as the last game, and the same linear chase/getaway parts that pissed everyone off from the last game.
Why in the fucking hell didnt they just make the always on and check in features OPTIONAL.
"What's yours is Mine"
Microsoft hacks. 100%.
My cellphone has roughly 1/5 the storage capacity of both consoles.
Please make sure you update this article with a summary of how much $ you made from this post. I think it will be hilarious.