Can someone please create an animated gif of someone in a PETA shirt literally shitting a brick?
Can someone please create an animated gif of someone in a PETA shirt literally shitting a brick?
Your headline is misleading. It makes the reader believe games are being stifled by Microsoft's proposed DRM. You should retitle "The Handling Of Xbox One's Awful DRM by Microsoft Drowned Out Some Really Cool Games at E3"
Couldn't agree more.
Here is a point that needs to be made, and no one is willing to make it.
This is what brief case handcuffs are for.
If thats what the new legendary drops are going to provide stat-wise, count me out. I'll stick to my 350k dps monk it took me a year to build.
Anatomical correctness would include boob-jiggle. Just sayin.
Thats surprising, given that only a few weeks ago Kotaku made it sound like Microsoft killed any possibility of indy developers producing games for the One.
I totally agree. They should make a game with a complicated female lead. One that has to fight crime while dealing with the tough emotional reality that she is alone in the big bad world. Oh wait, they already did.
I have a hard time calling "Promise not yet kept" on any of the 3rd party games, especially South Park. The dissolution of THQ delayed development. Had THQ not been murderized, the game probably would have launched as predicted. Did microsoft "break" a promise on it? Not really. I dont think i'd call it a "promise" in…
Xenomorph, or Zenomorph depending on who you ask.
I never read the books, but i LOVED the episode. I hate Rob and Cat. Cat is a dip, and Rob is a terrible leader.
I openly complained in the comments about how whiney and awful the last piece was, and even got a response from the writer with a "i see your points, but I raise you this much more whining". Thrilled to see a counterpoint so quick!
I hope they include some sort of marijuana field in the mountain region, ala the state parks in California. Find a place with heavy trees, and plant. Since we know there are drugs being dealt, i can only hope attacking/defending/running a grow op in the mountains is included. Imagine a 4-wheeler atv chase!
It sounds like you made a series of bad life choices and are whining about it. 1) taking qa job you thought would get you somewhere. 2) leaving a profitable music career to try and go solo with no business experience. 3) Living with family while playing 8 hours of FPS a day instead of proactively trying to breathe…
Step by Step way to get an editorial on kotaku.
Who has two thumbs and doesnt give a crap
Nice to see some non-iphones in there. But what the FUCK is with all the cutsey names?
Twitter killed this guy. I wouldn't question its power.
This article doesn't tell me anything about the Xbox One. What this article DOES do is validates the fact that video-game "journalism" is getting closer and closer to tabloid journalism since pageviews are more important than reporting fully vetted information. "Rumor" journalism is getting tired.