absolutzer0 is I
absolutzer0 is I
How much does he get for every player that doesnt steal laptops or beat up security guards, then transfer to a little school called iowa state.
lol - my pic is from the day i bought her in 2008. YOUR car is missing the sport kit ;) - You on swedespeed?
I'll take your r-design, and raise you my car.
Why cant we think about whether the article was bullshit? Why is it always the players that are wrong... Oh because its Auburn football, the SEC, and its pretty damn obvious that entire conference is a cesspit of shit.
TL;DR at the bottom......... I've been harping this point for a while now regarding Live: Why would Major Nelson, E and every other "Community Manager"-Type Micosoft has employed be pushing discounted xbox live cards, cheap xbox live arcade games and sales galore... Why create a "rewards program" for a…
Explain to me the exact moment I am supposed to give a shit about what a guy charged with armed robbery has to say. I don't doubt that some of this is true, but I also do not doubt his attorney advised him to start "rallying support" before his trial to either cause juror issues or to get the press on "his side". Lock…
Black spot cleverly placed to cover his urine-soaked... short shorts?
Its all I see...
April Fools! We all know 2K doesn't have the cash to change the same platform they have been pushing out for years now.
They missed out on an opportunity to call this Boner Jams, because wow, im semi hard already.
The idiosyncratic ramblings of another person hellbent on getting their name in front of as many people as possible. If anyone wants to pretend that any of his inane rambling throughout this piece makes ANY sense, they need to take a serious look in the mirror. 3d Printing does offer a step toward the next generation…
Hell, a deadspin reader actually gets on page?! nice.
Why bother posting the 5-10 better games out there when its OBVIOUS Gergo is trolling the Starcraft players ;)
How the fuck do you think you can improve upon these images? They area already incredibly rediculous and photochopped.... [Waits for Raysism inevitable genius] .... And there it is!
Oh man, my teams old site still exists for Tribes!!!
People with severe mental disorders (like this shooter must have had) should be allowed access to guns. People with severe mental disorders (like this shooter must have had) should not have been allowed to own violent video games.
Ever since Smith and Bayless became the poster-children for ESPN the network has accelerated its slide into the shit-box of sports journalism. The majority of their stories are "sources" who they refuse to attribute (because its mostly bloggers and yahoo writers), they have a clear bias on large markets…
I loved SG: U, and miss it dearly. The show suffered from poor writing in the middle, and ultimately it died an untimely death.
Why do people still need to fight the K/M vs Gamepad war? Why cant people just recognize that its a function of preference? I was a very high-end competitive Tribes and CS player back in the day, and loved the K/M. I also was a very competitive MW1, Black Ops and MW2 player for a couple of years and loved the…