Yep just heard from a buddy it was available. I just hope it gets here for my camping trip next weekend. I ain't payin no stinkin shippin!
Yep just heard from a buddy it was available. I just hope it gets here for my camping trip next weekend. I ain't payin no stinkin shippin!
7) You have floating balls that can map complex structures independ of human incursion. Put this technology in a bot with a camera and check this stuff out remotely.
Yeah i did not own the first iPad, but i do have the big boy version of the 2. I have no issue with what they do from a business perspective. It makes sense.
Independent jailbreakers have proven that Siri is more than capable of running on not only the iPad 2, but the iPhone 4 (non-s).
Thanks for the snide comment. I am aware of what they are. I liked the fact that they were defaulted to on, not something you had to turn on. And I do play "real games". I quit playing HALO when they fucked it up after 2.
I still think the thing I miss the most that Halo Multiplayer allowed that most other FPS titles dont is the local voice broadcast to all players. There was nothing better than sh1t talking after a good kill. As juvenille as it may be, it was immensely entertaining.
Pokemon on Unreal Engine 4.
1. & 2. are absolutely valid. as to your 3rd point: I also couldnt agree more. Nintendo turned a corner somewhere between the gamecube and the wii. The Nintendo 64 was fantastic and cutting edge in terms of gameplay dynamics, but the new 'gold standard' was the visual experience more than the gameplay. Unfortunately…
Thanks! I am no industry expert, but I find it pretty interesting to play with the numbers.
I am pretty damn concerned with cost/benefit on this thing.
Who gives a shit? Its a good design, and has proven to be the best over the last few years. Sony should be taking notes.
Same shit paradigm, different day.
I don't understand all the hate on kinect features. A) It tells you that you need a specific distance and amount of space to use it effectively. Anyone spending that kind of money on a peripheral should have done ther research, and read some reviews. B) I have had no problems with my voice stuff for it, and I have it…
SyFy eh? How about Worf does hand to hand combat with Lasersaurus Rex or Sharktopus?
All I want for Christmas 3 (E3) are release dates for the PS4 and XBox 720. (Christmas 1 is PAX, 2 is PAX East)
The "UPlayBox" - Quit making me buy 3 consoles! Combine efforts, price fix, and deliver. Thats all I ask!
No, I agree for sure, I read your post. no need to get "as i mentioned". I was just adding in some supplementary information to enhance the discussion. I wasnt criticizing your point, simply adding information to enhance it.
The final fight with the Dominion et. al. was fantastic in DS9, but that was a 2 hour finale (iirc) and had a good sized budget. Collex makes a good point though, water dynamics in turn with the green flames, orange flames, and fast action - coupled with the fact that its HD makes it pretty cumbersome to render at a…
Based on what i have read, the producers got a last minute "major increase" in their budget just for this episode, and found this director because of his ability to handle battle scenes on limited budgets.