Dude, why wasnt the accompanying video included in the post? I love the mechanized chaingun.
Dude, why wasnt the accompanying video included in the post? I love the mechanized chaingun.
Using a horse to perform ride by combat < Running a horse off a cliff to see what happens
I don't understand what the big fucking deal is. He was a highly decorated military and political strategist. His actions, at the behest of the federal government, turned into one of the biggest scandals of the 1980's. Big whup. Colin Powell testified to congress that there were WMD's in Iraq, not only did he not get…
Ah, see I love the tie in. Also, after only about 2 hours of multi with a team of buddies that are all high level, I was able to get my "galactic readiness" (crucial for singleplayer) to 98%. Its easy on Bronze difficulty, harder on silver, and gold is a challenge. It is INCREDIBLY annoying though that you need to…
For those that don't know - the MP is fantastically fun.
As long as I dont have to worry about running plumbing to it, im all about the Arco. lol
:D Linked In is a fabulous resource. Most of their info is public data. Plus, I recognized all the "major names" since i invested in Activision back before the collapse of their value :)
First off:
Hahahah so naive. Take a look at an actuarial model for a healthcare company, or medicare/medicaid projections produced by the federal government. Age has to be factored, same with race, sex and numerous other things. It impacts the total pool of funds over a long period of time.
Prometheus Monster is "Every Woman’s Worst Nightmare".... I'm glad to see Jose Canseco is getting work.
And I am neither, and while he seems like a nice enough dude... he isnt a good quarterback :)
I refuse the un-plug my Xbox, even with a very good wifi setup in my loft. I swear I can feel the latency differential in fast-paced FPS games.
I do believe that Tim Tebow was the last bit of "good news" to come out of Florida.
When are they going to patch the mass dart glitch? Im sick of getting "sniped at range" from a f-cking shotgun.
I hope someone called an ambulance.
My god, its like Tim Burton started a toy company.
Yeah my bamboo has dual drainage lines/catch spaces, and is about double the size. _ It is pretty cool though!
I swear, if i see another 18 year old in a neon yellow shirt with white hipster glasses, i may throw myself into traffic. :)
Ill preface this with my background/tastes. 28 year old dude who works in banking, went to a small liberal arts college, soccer player, huge videogamer. nerd meets business.