Aw man, I just spent around this for a new bamboo board!
Aw man, I just spent around this for a new bamboo board!
One of my favorite things about the original Neverwinter Nights was the character customization. Now, those games took the DND platform very seriously. I liked Diablo and Diablo 2, but this one just seems glossed over. Too few classes, too limited when it comes to customization. It is as if the skill system is "on…
This was a very well written and interesting article. What I find completely rediculous is that the police department would only classify these cases one way, as "rape". There are varying levels that could have easily been applied, such as "criminal sexual misconduct" or "domestic assault" all of which would have led…
For about the last 5 years, there has been absolutely no reason to preorder because of immediate access to the games. Preorders used to be necessary to ensure a copy in the first few days of a release, but that is no longer the case. Now they entice you with preorder 'content' to get your money earlier.
haha nice
What they didn't tell you was that Loki was actually being contracted by the Local 103 construction workers union. He never planned to rule earth, simply create a situation for job growth. Come on people, wake up.
No no no you have it all wrong! cops>cheaters>cops>campus pd>82 consecutive hours of ninja warrior.
They have to make room for more bimbos.
Yeah the UFC deal just seemed to dislike me. Maybe ill give it another shot. I did the first P90X a couple years ago to kick my ass back into shape, i finished it and moved onto my bike and never looked back, haha. Im going to start running again too soon to prep for a triathalon next year. I tore my acl and mcl so im…
Haha yes, I am a guy. My girlfriend uses my Kinect more than I do, its mostly for her. I have my Bicycle and an indoor trainer for the majority of my workouts.
So is there a fitness game that people agree is good? I borrowed my buddies UFC one and it was awful. I'd love to get something that has yoga and other stuff.
I cant seem to shoot down anything with it after the update for the 360 version. The AA guns are grossly underpowered based on these specs. Ive unloaded on a Jet at point blank range with nearly no ill-effect. Ah videogames :)
Reminds me of Tribes - Happy Flag ring a bell for anyone? That or the bevy of CounterStrike aimbots and wallhacks. PunkBuster can lend its start to CS...
Bingo. I used to remember in Tribes when people would bitch because I had an 8ms Ping and they had 24. Like its really that big of a difference!?
No, I was a prime video game age, a ripe 13. Shadows was hilariously fun because it was so frustratingly awful.
KOTOR Was alright, commando blah, and I didnt enjoy battlefront...
Coming from a former Tribes and Tribes 2 and Counterstrike monkey, I can tell you that I fully agree. Here is why: Cost.
It's not really a franchise, but any and all Star Wars branded games. I am so sick of seeing it dragged through the mud. Nothing will ever beat Tie Fighter or Shadows, so KNOCK IT OFF!
Minimal Interface: Yes please! I never got into WoW because of the rediculous nature of the game.
Right.... It shows that MP Beta's are stress tests and are hyper-glitchy for the most part. And please, dont be a troll. Anyone who actually games, and has done so for a while will tell you that the FPS > FPS arguments are pointless because any two games are incredibly different from one another, even in the same…