I just have a hard time believing this kind of filth is getting this kind of attention.... If PA wanted to take a stand, they would ignore it.
I just have a hard time believing this kind of filth is getting this kind of attention.... If PA wanted to take a stand, they would ignore it.
Very true, Noted.
I didnt tell them to "shut the hell up" i told them to quit bitching. Formulating a good argument as to why the ending was unfulfilling is different than the non-stop, rampant whining on the comment threads lately.
I'll be trying to this weekend. Girlfriend out of town, mens league soccer done until next session, and cold weather predicted.
I'll preface this post with the following: I have not finished the game. I actually havent even recruited most of my crew yet. I had to move, and have had my xbox in a storage locker until today (thank god i have it back).
If I had the time, i'd dig up my post a few weeks ago that details how I was predicting a pseudo-F2P model being dropped on future Console FPS titles. Want a silencer? $0.99! Want air radar for your jet? $0.99!
I still have my first Spyder in its case with the autoloader, tank, and barrell extension. Maybe its time to clean the ol' girl up and unleash some hell.
I miss the old days where I had a Tribes server sitting right next to my main gaming rig, had an 8ms ping, and hosted TWL matches while shoutcasting... And I didnt charge anyone. Neither did my buddies who did the same thing.
Kylie - I was being facetious about beating people up. Sarcasm is a lost art.
Oh where do I begin.
I think they should have gone with a Female lead in this one. Would have been far more interesting. Imagine how much Desmond would have to cope with that! Would her female qualities come through into the real world like the assassin skills have? Hah.
Kylie - What is the solution then? Try and get that person fired because they are ignorant? Go ahead. Beat the guy down in the alley for calling you a name? Sure, why not.
Gremlin - I agree, i started to scan once I got about 2/3 of the way through. It started to become repetitive and rather annoying. I hate the "poor me" attitude this guy has.
I feel a bit awkward saying it, but: Thanks Swine! Hah.
Haha you clearly have no sense of humor. It was a joke. Stop being a douche.
Hmmm.. University "researchers" *ahem* Students have claimed that an Xbox will store your ccd info?
Aren't easter eggs supposed to be accessible within the game's normal infrastructure? I think the fact you have to patch it to get to the emulator makes it something else......
How about the fact that they always want to push phone service? I would love to know what percentage of americans actually have in-home wired telephones still.
I stopped reading half way through. Lesson #1. His name is prefaced with KSI, an online gaming group that seems to be the biggest joke on the planet.