Anakin Farmwalker

Oops, wrong comment.

I've always hated things replacing actual swear words with things like "frak". It's always just seemed really immature and unnecessary. There's plenty of ways to convey anger without swearing. I understand the necessity to separate the fictional universes from our own, I've just always found this stupid, maybe I'm

I lol'd heartily reading this.

I like it, a great twist to the character. But Luke's right, there's absolutely no evidence to support it except the fact that he's now a garbageman. Everything else is speculation.

Still the only review system I actually trust.

I actually can't believe this is so far down the list. I 2nd this.

You win.

I reckon there's some sort of frame there, but I doubt they're completely solid.

I never even considered that until now. But you are so right. Now I want steak.

Possibly the best rapper in the world in both talent and attitude. I met him after a gig last month in Dublin, stayed around to sign stuff and just have a chat with everyone.

I'm starting to think this way too. I mean if one 37 million year old, nearly dead reaper can indoctrinate a team of scientists; imagine what billions of them just landing on a planet can do.

I've gotten like that for every GTA release since Vice City.

That grill is definitely Audi inspired. I really hope the whole thing is modeled after the R8.

I'm going to have nightmares of that face.

Do want.