Ready for battle, you say?
Maybe because a vocal part of the gaming (more: the internet) "community" consists of fucking arseholes and bored <15y olds that only wait for an opportunity to unload all the shit they collected over several frustrating months of their lives. Because this vocal minority within the online "community" exists, you…
You know, from what I've seen, most of them aren't so much "anti-religion" as "anti-shitty religious propaganda movie with a misplaced persecution complex".
If he had any sense, he would point his gun at the real threat: diabetes.
Whatever Deadspin. Just stick to snake fucking.
Having taken the Spanish language track in school, my "omellete du fromage" education from Dexter's Lab was unsurprisingly very little help. x)
One of these, four controllers, a copy of Double Dash, and you are SET.
don't know who decided deadspin dot com was the depository for bestiality posts, but thank you.
I thought the change to the comment system was supposed to prevent stuff like this from being posted.
No one's slick as Gaston
Fair enough.
Currently one of my favorite mobile games (Love Live School Idol Festival, a rhythm game based on the Love Live anime series) is mired heavily by this. Instead of being purely skill-based, you organize "teams" or "units" using character "cards" that you earn through various means that boost your scoring capabilities…
Vonce ze rockets go up, who cares vere zey come down?
excellent article PG. Police don't need to take the place of the National Guard. And the National Guard should be deployed to keep these trigger happy cops apart from the populace and press.
Never seen anyone stay so manly in a dress before. I approve.