Graymyas Leigh

I see one comment about her boobs, thats it. Seems pretty tame otherwise even if most of the comments aren't directly addressing the topic.

I do, last time it happened Shinji left her a special gift.

What if something you cared about was criminalized, though? Obviously I'm no longer referring to child porn at this point, but to, for example, negative statements about the government, or indications that you were homosexual? Is it ok for your private correspondence to be monitored then as well, so you can be

Fake: Byzantine never has any gold.

Mike has always been my favorite, due to his fantastic Snacktaku videos and his hilarious writing style. I'm not an MLP fan, but I can easily just not read those articles.

Mind the vid. I'm standing on one leg holding my camera in the air, because I make bad decisions.

Lots of people like to be pests to MLP fans. The way I see it is that an obsessed MLP fan is no worse than an obsessed Star Trek fan; both take it a little too far in their own respective ways.

I don't think so. I think they're just exaggerating the results.

"It's aimed at little girls. That's the target demographic."

100% of the 12% also reported "smoking fat bowls" before gaming...

This seems obvious. I've had songs from games play in my head plenty of times, even games I haven't played in awhile. Stuff gets stuck in your head. I think it might be a stretch calling this hallucinations though. It just certain elements getting stuck in your head.

This is absolutely real but not limited to video games. I frequently experience this after leaving a movie theater as well.

I used to hallucinate the sound of the walmart phone ringing. I worked there for a summer, in electronics. It has this distinct trill with a beep at the end of it. I would hear it everywhere I went. It. was. terrible.

I'll dream games when I'm falling asleep if I've played too much, especially something repetitive like a gem based explodey puzzle game. Puzzle fighter and the like.

You people and your ponies disgust me!

I'm someone who knows when things are broken and beyond repair.

Well, you'd have to know why I 'thought' she was cheating on me, and anyone with that evidence would rightly think the same thing.

Don't give me too much credit, I only just recently figured out this whole "internet" thing.