Anyone has a chance of dying violently, women more so than men.
Anyone has a chance of dying violently, women more so than men.
Good, don't watch it anymore if it is that upsetting. I'd rather them stay where they are than have them screw with the books anymore. I'm all open for conversation about the sexual violence, but what would you suggest HBO do? Censor the show for your poor, poor feelings? Get over yourself.
Just hang the little entitled shits, fuck court and 'due process'. Maybe if we brought back some old school 'justice' these kinds of things would stop.
haha, getting a bit racist now aren't we? You say that like the US of A isn't a 'religiously fundamental country'... lol.
Congrats on allowing scum to subsist alongside you. I would move or make the murderer's life a living hell, never letting him forget the face of the child he brutally murdered every fucking day.
Glad you see it my way. They're nothing more than 'murder suspects'.
I'd imagine it would be. If I was given life back after taking someone else's for no good reason, I wouldn't do anything to have it taken away again either.
Who said I support sending them to jail for life? Execute their worthless asses. They are nothing but a waste of oxygen and money.
Lets let them into your neighborhood first then, hope you don't have any kiddies.
Hah holy shit this inanity got cross-posted to gawky. Prepare yourselves for people who've never even heard of this game to give their opinions on this dire matter!
There is a breast slider in the character creation, methinks the guy on PS4 just chose bigger tatas.
No fire temple reference?
Sometimes you buy stuff and forget about it, or get an even shinier game right after that takes all your attention away. Also there is crap like bundled games (I bought Fallout 1,2 and Tactics, never even installed Tactics), or something like Half-Life 2 Lost Coast that come with the main game that people don't get…
Easier to hide in a closet, I guess? I think I'll stick with my pocket tenga though. That shits probably a pain to clean.
Yeah yeah, all Japs look like children, we get it. Racist.
Because sex toys don't exist in any other country.
Who wants to go balls deep when you're just out for a 5 min quickie? Also I don't want to meet the guy that can fill one of those up enough to cause 'spillage' in one go.
They aren't!? Granted, guys can use all that stuff too, but it seems there are much more vibe/dildo products than 'men's stress relief' toys.
Jesus. Thanks America and your footyball worship. I wonder how the investigation would go if all federal funding was cut from that school?