Why not? What else would work? CG? American style cartoon characters? Well, Ziggy would've made a good choice too I guess...
Why not? What else would work? CG? American style cartoon characters? Well, Ziggy would've made a good choice too I guess...
Exactly most southerners didn't own slaves. And that 'most' was tricked by the few rich slave owners into fighting and dying for their right to own slaves under the guise of 'states rights' and saber rattling nationalism.
Have you never played a versus multiplayer game? Come on dude.
You calling it tasteless is subjective, calling it pornographic is just plain incorrect.
I'm going to go on out on a limb here and say CoD doesn't have more realistic violence because of a huge player base of 10 year olds whose parents might decide not to buy the next bi-yearly release for their brat if there was too much blood.
"the violence is not the point"
It makes sense to you when you're the one who is playing. Seeing the animation take place after you do what you thought was an impossible shot from 20 miles away is pretty much what makes this game fun imo.
When they could just put a bullet in his head and save themselves the moolah. Sad.
Ehh been a while since the first ep but I don't think it was going to mount her, it was just startled. And it has so much fan service because its based off of a porn game :P
People who watch anime are as bad as bronies now? *shiver*
And it will forever, until Yoshi-P decides to shut it down for lack of subs.
I'm about to buy this, not the kinda news I was expecting to see about it on Kotaku lol
I'd say its better that they did it openly and showed the inner workings of their zoo (and giraffes lol) to the public rather than kept it behind closed doors.
So? A link to a wiki page about a book of old mythology written for bronze age middle eastern peasants means what now?
Hey now, I'm not going to get too fat for a 15 dollar game, now am I?
Thing is, I did. Then I used mods for five hundred more hours of modified walkabouts in the sweet Mojave.
1. No such thing as god.
I've put over 600 hours into Fallout New Vegas thanks to mods. I've beat it with every faction and roamed every inch of the Mojave Wasteland.
God I love American Dad