Graymyas Leigh

Well... wow... I didn't know that.

Well that just makes me bunt.

The ME3 ending was 'meh' for me, but it definitely wasn't the thing that made me view the game as a whole a bad end to a good series. It was the fact that so few choices from 1 and 2 made it into 3.

Maybe they fixed that in a patch or something, sure as hell didn't right out of the box :T

I put dozens of hours into 3 too, and I enjoyed much of it. However... it wasn't just the ending that makes me feel this way. Did you not notice how much wasn't even carried over from your previous choices?

The endings aren't what made me so pissed off at the series :T

Your first sentence is why I feel this way towards the series. I actually liked the gameplay change in 2 and 3, 3 just shat on the story and our choices is all...

I didn't think ME3 'sucked'. I loved it as a game, but so much fell short in the story... many choices I expected to have carried over simply... weren't. It made me sad. That and the mediocre A,B,C ending.

That does make it better, but... for it to be 'ME', won't it need several successive games? For me, what made ME 'ME' was the fact that you could start one game, make choices, then move on to the next game and all that carried over.

It is much more than the ending for ME3. In 2, all of my choices from 1 mattered. In 3, Liara can't even 'remember' that I took the freakin' shadow broker's ship for her, among dozens of other small things that just ruined it for me. I'm not saying it was a bad game. Game itself is fun, love the gameplay. I've said

I'm sorry I thought the series was supposed to be a gawdang trilogy and not one released every year a la Madden and CoD.

What? Wow, glad I sold my ME3 copy back to gamestop after what they did to it. Looks like they're running it into the ground even more -_-

Good video, watched every damn minute of it.

Yeah but it was just the idea of it for me, in the fourth grade. A pocket playstation! How, what, I don't even...

Those dicks! I remember reading about this for a chocobo minigame in FF8, I fantasized about it alot as a kid xD

This is incredible.

That was a thin door.

Yeah. They could've done so much more to make it... good. Instead, we get crazy weapons, fetch quests and some gore. Still, I liked how it felt when you first start out and everything feels huge, zombies feel dangerous etc, but it wears off fairly quickly.

I tink dere's a squatch in these woods, Bobo.

Try watching 'how the universe works'.