Sad thing is, its not even computers 'making' the smells. Its some stupid cartridge with a (most likely) cancer inducing chemical in it.
Sad thing is, its not even computers 'making' the smells. Its some stupid cartridge with a (most likely) cancer inducing chemical in it.
This is why I can't stand douchebag bike riders, especially the fags in 'gangs'. Tough guys when they can gang up on one person, pussies by themselves. I hope they wreck and die, horribly and slowly, every single one.
This is why I can't stand douchebag bike riders, especially the fags in 'gangs'. Tough guys when they can gang up on one person, pussies by themselves. I hope they wreck and die, horribly and slowly, every single one.
When I was in Prague for a few days, we ate at MickyD's twice. Something about the familiarity when you're in a foreign place, idk. That a quite a few local 'fine dining' places just suuuucked for my corrupted American tastebuds.
Isn't that the thing that killed that poor AU girl?
Depends on how good the hunter is with the weapon. Let me shoot you in the gut with a handgun, see how painful it is, how long you'll live with that. Now let me ram about a foot of steel and oak through your gut. Bigger wound, you'd bleed out much quicker. Spears are much more deadly than guns, guns are just easier to…
What is with so called 'sportsmen hunters' that don't even level the playing field? Fucking cowards should use a spear or stay home.
He won't be missing out, he'll be able to get it when it has that 'GOTY' right on the cover xD
Chicken Butt.
whooping != abuse, just stop it.
Yess Legends of the Galactic Heroes. Didn't realize the ships were so tiny.
Why stop at not allowing parents to decide what's best for their kids when dealing with them pesky vidya games? How about going to the school library and burning all the books? Christ almighty, I was reading Stephen King from the school library in the eighth grade, and SK is 10000x more brutal and sickening than any…
Wow really? Hows about shutting up and doing your job? If I wanna buy my (non existant) kid a violent game, I will, piss on your morals. Can't believe you guys are eating this up, like letting a parent decide what is best for their own kids is some kind of 'sin'. Everyone screaming about how bad these parents are are…
Please no Windows Live, Please no Windows Live Please no Windows Live.
Pros, or folks like me who just throw their bodies at the brick wall until it crumbles :P the game is soo satisfying once you beat a big bad that was giving you a hard time, even more so once you come back with a new char and just stomp everything with your newfound experience.
I was a fanboy until they ruined the ending for me :/ I mean, come on. The entirety of 3 felt like they fired all their old writers and brought in some 'hollywood' types. I mean, none of the characters remember stuff that was important, like when I helped Liara take over the shadow broker's base. All that packed on…
B..but its made with real fruit!
Now that is just grotesque. What fever-dream bore this hideous creature?
Idk, FF14ARR has been the first mmo I've played (well, 1.x version aside) to endgame, and I'm glad to say its changed how I act around people. For the better. I used to be extremely shy, I wouldn't even talk to people online or on the phone, but I actually made some friends in 14. I even started a FB just to keep in…