
I had forgotten how Mumblecore Wallander was! I think I have an episode or two left because I got frustrated (though it was so good, if that is possible).

Why can’t she be both? I don’t buy the media/conservative/stock photo idea that a woman who is serious about issues has to be serious 24/7. I am a relatively young (mid-30s), elected official and don’t try to hide my personality- which tends to be more joking and outgoing- while in chambers all the time. Do I crack

Even knowing the song pre-dates ruffies, the drink line is what made me look at the No, no, no line again too and ultimately change my mind about the song and put it in the creepy category.

I am in the camp that thinks this song veers to creepy, but it is kind of laughable to try and say that there were not societal norms dictating chaste women with virtuous reputations in the 1940s. Gypsy Rose Lee might have been a popular act in the day, but “those kind of girls” were only acceptable as stage acts,

This picture speaks 1000 words- right down to the poster with the fake Hitler quote.

Is Bride and Prejudice shameful? I didn’t realize it, but I guess you can add me to your club. Now, Jaw 4... It is terrible, but I have almost warmed up to it thanks to How Did This Get Made?

Does this incredibly stupid reply count as Pinkham’s Law in this article?

Ahh, West Michigan Dutch Reform...

Agreed. Still is totally creepy to allow that to cloud the fact the character is a sadistic stalker rapist, but fandom did allow it to be set up that way.

Agree. I would go so far as to guess they don’t even like David Tennant the actor, they just think of him as the 10th Doctor playing different roles. It is really weird.

I agree and disagree. It is an incredible show from top to bottom, but I was almost relieved when the last scene of the last episode ended because I needed a break. It was so intense. I wish it wasn’t going to be a year until we see more though.

And here is where Adam missed the point. He argues we already have this protection, but he leaves out that without the Paycheck Fairness Act or, heaven forbid, the ERA, the National Labor Relations Act doesn’t have teeth.

But he is a boy. You get a second pick.


Is Hello happy though? I mean, don’t get me wrong, she has my money, but it seemed to be a sad song about a “one that got away”.

Actually, true. I alway think of it more as a mantra and way of life than a quote, but you are too right.

It does not need the depth of Moby Dick, but it needs something. What is the most quoted line from the Star Wars trilogy? It packed a punch because Vader wasn’t a monster in a mask, he was a shell of someone who was real and has regrets-and that is why his children have always been bound for greatness.

She’s 25! Add to that she is a celebrity and what else is she bound to attract? I managed to date some real idiots between 18-28 without even being famous (and I come from the quintessential American mid-western family)

I am sure someone, or many, did. Again, it came down to doing what Texas Board of Ed wanted.

Don’t pretend this isn’t what Texas Board of Ed told you to print and you won’t just say it because you are afraid they won’t keep doing business with you if you do.