Wait, I wanna know more about the company that makes females managers drive Jettas. Were they trying to sabotage their career by making them late for work all the time?
Wait, I wanna know more about the company that makes females managers drive Jettas. Were they trying to sabotage their career by making them late for work all the time?
Buys card. Rips it to shreds. “Now no one can use it against me! Bwahahahaha!”
another solution: dont buy Apple products that dont work even though it’s the 10th generation.
Yup, this is why i love Android!
Yup, this is why i love Android!
It still blows my mind how much Apple charges for increments in storage on an iPhone, they’ll never let us have reasonably priced storage. They love that extra money for their over priced storage.
It still blows my mind how much Apple charges for increments in storage on an iPhone, they’ll never let us have…
Well Blizzard let’s start allowing PC and consoles play together. (muhahahahaha)
Exactly. Console gamers for the win.
I dunno, a greedy man twisting his wife and daughter into experiments just for money is pretty bad.
Good thing Torry Holt is retired or who knows what kind of hell would have broken loose.
I apologize for ever suggesting that Street Fighter games showed unrealistic depictions of women’s bodies.
Most people here seem to disagree with you.
I have a harder time explaining Michael Jordan’s moves as owner Charlotte to my 7 year old than I do explaining homosexuality. He understands that it’s okay that a guy can be in love with a guy, he has no idea why Jordan chose Marvin Williams over Chris Paul and neither do I for that matter.
The NBA definitely skews the most liberal among all the sports leagues. According to data from 2013, it’s the only league that has more black fans than white fans, and the largest demographic of fans are between the ages of 18-34 (32%), while 50% of MLB fans are 55+ and 37% of NFL fans are 55+.
When asked, Michael Jordan initially had no comment, but then finally added, “Hey, homophobic bigots wear sneakers too.”
“I am Legend.”
The Fresh Prince of Welk-er.
Depending on the size and age of your TV it could consume more power than some LEDs. Not a massive amount like leaving your heating/cooling on, but still. Also, all TVs dim over time of use. It takes a while, but why put the extra miles on your TV if you don't have to? You can still do that, but this is just an…
Free isn't always a full explanation because people are willing to pay for proxies, file host memberships, newsgroups, donate to torrent/link sites, etc to keep being able to pirate. I think a bigger problem is that pirated copies are often superior to the legitimate ones. People who are willing to shell out $50+ for…