
Agreed. My 9yo probably has averaged a half dozen round trips a year for his entire life. For him it is just normal to fly—he knows he gets some treats (we also like gummy bears) and he gets more screen time and an occasional new app. I do get the “is the plane going to crash?” right before take-off, but I just say

I’m being completely pedantic, but you’re triggering a pet peeve of mine... Fried potatoes will not “increase your risk of death.” You have a 100% risk of death, and your risk cannot increase above that. Fried potatoes, on the other hand, may increase your risk of untimely death.

Excel is usually open on my desktop, so it is handy. If I put periods of particular dress as rows (e.g., air travel, client meeting, workout, conference) and then all the various clothing bits as columns (shoes, socks, pants, boxers, t-shirts, belt, shirt, tie, jacket), it makes it pretty easy to fill in the matrix

I guess there are those that do the whole “visit the in-laws every Thanksgiving” or whatever. Hadn’t thought about that. And maybe there are sales people who have a regular loop or destinations, but that doesn’t seem like it is the norm. Other than that, I really don’t understand. Heck, even when I return to

Who are all you people that can extrapolate one trip from the next? What I pack depends upon the activities I’m engaged in where I’m going (business? conference? skiing? climbing? camping? relatives? fine dining? hiking? shopping? sightseeing?), the geographic location I’m headed, the time of year... Feels like I

How “super witty.”

Heavens forbid you read a few sentences. Instead, you should doggedly cling to your ignorance. Your mother must be proud.

You apparently also must lead a humorless life.

You must lead an unhappy life.

The manifesto is worth a read. Kenji’s fundamental premise—with which I agree—is that a BLT is a tomato sandwich with bacon, rather than a bacon sandwich with salad. It is, however, the perfect sandwich in my book—crunchy, acidic, salty, smoky, fatty, creamy... A little of everything.

The best condiment on a tomato sandwich is bacon. See Kenji’s BLT manifesto here.

Fidelity’s benefits calculated is botched somehow. It produced results for me that were almost twice as much as SSI’s own benefits calculator. Do yourself a favor—just go to the SSI site and use theirs. It is based on your actual data.

Does it change your view of the situation now that the Dallas Morning News has reported that the car was driving away from the officer, that he used a fucking rifle, and that the video shows the car was not being driven in an aggressive manner?

You buried the lede with the revision. The DMN article also notes, in addition to the fact that the officer shot him with a rifle, that the car was moving away from the police officers when he shot and that video footage reveals that the driver was not “driving aggressively” as originally claimed.

I’m sorry, are you saying that we should trust the cop who shot a 15 year old kid as the only communicator of the truth of what happened? Great fucking idea. Give them guns and then make them the sole arbiters of whether force is lawfully used? I can’t imagine anything wrong with that scenario.

I just mentally backtrack from serving time for what you are calling “square” meals. But you should see my spreadsheet for a holiday meal where there’s a three appetizers/noshing foods, the main protein, a half dozen sides, a bunch of condiments, plus pies and homemade ice cream. I usually have scheduled prep for a

+1 That’s the one I bought as well, believe it was recommended by a number of places, including CI. It seems big, but you can grind small stuff in a big mortar much better than you can grind big stuff in a small mortar. My recipe for pollo asado calls for pouring hot oil (infused with annatto) into a paste of

It is interesting to see the DOE material and interesting to learn—as Pedantry points out—that the D in the first professional degrees is “doctor,” not “doctorate.” But it also illustrates the sort of silliness of ranking these things. The idea that a Masters in some of those fields is “less learned” than an MD is

I think I need a citation for that one. They are all doctorates, so I’m having a hard time understanding the context in which one would have to decide—and who is entitled to decide—which degree is “more advanced” or “outranks” the others.