
On Cricket and Straightalk the LTE is always throttled—Cricket is nominally the same network as AT&T, since AT&T owns Cricket, but the max LTE speeds on Cricket are only about 4mbps. Straightalk is slightly better, but not much. If that works for you, fine, but buying pre-throttled wireless isn’t what I want to do.

When you get throttled, what it usually means is that they bounce you off the 4G network entirely, which means you are reverting to 3G service. Here’s some empirical data on 3G average speeds, which seem to max out at about 4 mbps. I would think that if you are talking about congested periods to begin with (otherwise

These are not “unlimited” plans—they are heavily asterisked (the AT&T plan is also astronomically expensive). The Verizon plan (like T-Mo) has a soft cap—you are throttled above 22 GB. Yes, the throttling is theoretically during congested periods only, but that’s a big limitation, and something that would definitely

So, 90% of the shit you actually want with you then.

Seconding JPR and vivlock. I like my Mastrad spatulas—absolutely no place for ick to settle in. I’ll never use a two piece ever.

I use Plan to Eat for recipe management/meal planning/shopping, which allows you to designate freezer portions. So I may cook a lot of something (frankly, most recipes are a lot of servings when there are just 2.5 of you), but I freeze it and don’t eat it every 4th day or whatever. Over time, I’ve built up a variety

I’m another one in favor of hand dicing the chuck. With all the spices in chili, seems like it kind of turns ground beef into paste. At least see if you can find chili grind.

Finally got around to making the Lucky Peach ramen dip. That stuff is awesome. I usually will only use about a 1/2 packet in ramen itself—stuff is too salty for me—so now I’ve got a reason to save my leftovers...

I’m going out on a limb and saying “make sure you’re going to a place you can trust” applies to consumption of any oyster, whether $1 or not...

In the opening sequence of Louis Malle’s Atlantic City, Susan Sarandon taught me you get rid of the fish smell using lemon juice.

I can’t imagine why, if you took the same holier-than-thou tone over there. You threaten them with the ban hammer too? Life might be easier if you spent some time rethinking how you present yourself.

Given how WiFi and cellular speeds vary considerably in my house, which is a lot smaller than an airport terminal and probably constructed with materials that involve a lot less attenuation of radio signals, I’d like to see more about their methodologies. Are there enough sample points measured? Are they comparing

The points I raised are not “very minor points.” They are fundamental the the actual telecom business—selling RF limited capacity, investing in infrastructure, and still making money. At this point, I’m not sure what you are calling “the idea,” but nothing you’ve said so far—in my mind—has any merit. It is either

Jesus effing christ. More stuff I’ve already answered or should be obvious to anyone who has looked at RF or business. But here we go.

I get frustrated when dealing with stupidity. It took me several tries to make you understand that “unlimited” isn’t really unlimited and that if you really wanted it, you could sign up for a business “unlimited” plan—all to make you understand that what you really wanted was an uncapped, unlimited plan at the same

Oh fuck off—you’ve been doing nothing but acting all superior, moralistic and faux offended, so you have no place to bitch about acting like a dick. From what I can tell, you are a computer network/IT flunky. You are also an arrogant little shit who doesn’t understand when he is out of his depth. Your implication

Airtime fairness? Like that little softswitch on your home router? Oh good lord. Once again you are proving you don’t know about radio networks. Not everyone has an “equal” connection to the cell because of Rayleigh fading, antenna coverage, multipath, priority, terrain, clutter, interference, and a hundred other

How old are you? Seriously, your response to me calling you out on stupid statements you are making is to threaten a banhammer? How cute. I haven’t seen a banhammer on LH in probably a decade.