
It seems like, from reading this article, Nike did not offer an “equal or better” contract—the contract triggering the ROFR had no reduction clause, Nike’s contract did. I’m no endorsement lawyer, but it seems like if the Nike contract has some clauses that allow them to reduce the payments to Berian and the NB

Not what I said at all, and pretty damn disingenuous to boot. In fact, I said there may be commercial reasons for certain writing to be aimed at a low reading level—I even cited software manuals. So your restatement of my argument as “audience should never be considered” is a bullshit strawman. And your resort to

As an initial matter, these terms aren’t industry-specific—they are commonly used by anyone in any business with budget responsibility (as well as people doing any investing). The fact that your directors and management don’t know the terms seems to mean they don’t have to deal with a budget, which leads me to believe

Those terms aren’t industry-specific; I would hazard to say that most educated adults know the meaning or could divine it from context. If they aren’t part of your general knowledge, they are probably useful to look up and understand. They are also pretty on point for describing the situation.



I understand what you are saying, but the need for speed still befuddles me. Even if I didn’t have a chamber vacuum sealer at my disposal, I’d probably just grab a bunch of pint jars if I wanted to test recipes. Frankly, I prefer lactic fermentation over quick pickling for cukes, so anything I quick pickle would be

With NO cartridges running at around $0.66/ea., using a pair to make pickles seems like high OpEx. Then again, I use a $1600 chamber vacuum sealer for the same thing, so my solution has ridiculously high CapEx.

Hmm... So the Mormon Doctrines & Covenants edicts about “hot drinks” might have some linkage to reality? I find that troubling.

My E46 330Ci has been good to me. It’s long in tooth now, but I have a hard time thinking of anything that I’d rather have (and be willing to drive into a city every day where my car gets hit on a regular basis).

Judging from my sweat output and the relatively poor condition I’m currently in, no.

Statistics v. individual experience, but my BMW has been a lot cheaper to operate than my old Jeep ZJ. The Jeep cost me a grand every time I turned around.

Ah well. Glad you vehemently explained that you are paying 20 times as much for reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of the coffee.

No. Olen made this about Starbucks. The picture in the post is of Starbucks drinks. And, my initial post said nothing about the quality of Starbucks, which seems surprising given how you seem to be portraying me as some coffee snob (even though I’ve said I don’t drink it anymore) who couldn’t wait to bitch about them.

I could say that getting beans every three weeks doesn’t equate to going to Starbucks every day. Or note that with a dosing burr grinder and an electrical timer, I used to be able to made a cappuccino in the time it took you to walk from the door to the counter and back. But, it’s all a red herring anyway—time doesn’t

Your suggestion that I “didn’t read with care” is pretty ironic when what I actually said was that I was assuming just drinking expensive drinks wasn’t your point, even though that is what you wrote (“I’ll presume your comment is about drinking good coffee”). My response, if you actually read it, makes the

Actually, no. I’m not a coffee snob because I don’t really drink coffee anymore. But you are right that I think Starbucks is a scam and have an anti-Starbucks bias. They managed to convince the world that burnt beans are how coffee is supposed to taste, which does bother me. I’m also quite jealous of how they managed

That isn’t the point. Drinking anything solely because it is expensive is pretty stupid, so I’ll presume your comment is about drinking good coffee (as a reformed java snob, I will note that Starbucks is not good coffee and dispute that there is any correlation between having a $5/day Starbucks habit and a desire to

Thought I’d replied to you, but it seems to have registered elsewhere. But since your reply is so sadly misguided, I’ll try again. Sure, “indulge” yourself daily. Treat yourself to those “daily luxur[ies].” But when you find that you don’t have enough money to retire at a decent age, remember how much standing in

Read my response to Mystic Spiral—back when I drank coffee, I drank better coffee that what your “indulgence” buys you at Starbucks for about 1/20th the cost. It isn’t about denying yourself and becoming an monk. It is about spending in a thoughtful manner. But if you think waiting in line every day at Starbucks to