Thank god.
Thank god.
Yes, definitely. In my opinion, Black/White are the best Pokemon games and this looks only to improve on that. Another alternative of Heart Gold/Soul Silver which are modern remakes of Gen II. But seriously, GenIV [from which Platinum hails] was probably the weakest one.
Funny how you praise RTD over Moffat considering the Moffat eps were consistently and clearly the best in RTD's run.
Why's that?
I'm hoping for a Carnage plotline with Gwen dying by the end of the film.
Agent. His first name is Agent.
Ah, almost accurate but you accidentally put the Apple logo where the Android logo should be. It's alright, amateur mistake.
And what classical music was it that they ripped off? There's a difference between something sounding generic and plagiarising. Regardless of your opinion of Muse, they've never done the latter.
You mean the first of their five albums was like the first few of Radiohead's 8 albums? Damn, they must be the least original songwriters in the business.
Great news or greatest news?
I nominate Takehiko Inoue of Vagabond fame.
Alright, I'll bite. What was the arc plotting in series 1 beside mentioning Bad Wolf over and over? Or the Saxon posters in S3 or the disappearance of the bees and Rose's face in 4? The hand, I'll give you, though mentioning something 3 years after it first appears is less of a story arc than a callback. And Moffat…
I don't know if it's just difference of opinion though. How could RTD's long arcs be more satisfying when all they amounted to was a phrase repeated in every episode only to be relevant in the end? That's literally the laziest way of writing an arc. In series 5 for example, we had individual episode plots that tied…
You know what, that was silly. There are many silly things in Doctor Who as it is a show for all audiences. But it does have a lot of good concepts and writing as well, which FS has yet to see any of.
Oh man, this coming from someone who watches Falling Skies. Hilarious.
RTD's Who was a lot of things but rarely witty and clever. Unless you consider technobabble deus ex machina in the last 2 minutes of every episode to be clever.
C'mon, tell us how you really feel.
Bring Davies back? That is hilarious.
Looks like you got your wish.
By that logic, we never would've gotten to the level of clarity and high-definition, not to mention the astounding audio systems, as we do now.