
Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

of all the shit that makes zero sense on this show, I would be glad for that.


Trailer was really good and the Emperor stuff is going to make people talk for awhile, but that title just isn’t good. 

well fucking done everyone

Yes, it’s true.

This man has no dick.

yes, this man has no dick.

Is this true?

Everything was going fine with the system until the power grid was shut off by dickless here...

That single image was the only thing that made me interested in the movie. 

You didn’t mention the GUNDAMs and Powersuits.

Iron man. Iron Man

I might go see GotG a fifth time this weekend.

it's friday, this week DRRRRAGGGED. So i'm dancing my way into a half day and a weekend where all i need to get done is an oil change on the car.

Iron Man armor. You can wee in it!

"Of all time," you say? If the future is fair game, and assuming the inherent awesomeness inspires someone to make a real life version, obviously:

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To be fair, they revamped that terrible title sequence - the Season 2 opener (seen here)was a MUCH bigger improvement.

I think you're forgetting the target demographic of this series... six to twelve year old children (mainly boys) - a demographic I happened to be a part of at the time. And you know what, for me, this series was AWESOME! You know why? It was Iron Man... on my TV... saving the day! It could've been South Park style

I was ten years old when I first saw the Marvel Power Hour, and I thought it was amazing. Guess it doesn't look so good when all grown up. But, holy cow, did you ever see the episode where Galactus shows up and a cameo parade of Marvel heroes appears to battle him? The one who manages to scare Galactus away is none

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Imma let you finish BUT Iron Man 1994 had not one but two of the greatest cartoon intro's of all time.... OF ALL TIME. Nothing beats this extreme 90s attitude (apart from Rob Leifeild that is.)