
...Is that a Ferraricorn?

Do want. Bio-LED flexible solar panels. Now... to shrink the solar cells down the size of a bioLED.

Cold balls > warm balls. If you're concerned about maintaining testicular warmth, you will not need to be concerned about children.

Actually, depending on how it's applied, this WOULD be useful for wounds. Shot? Turn up the amperage, drag some of your t-shirt over it, and let it cauterize so you don't bleed out.

I see you work in the finance office.

Does it involve drawing a string and shooting a pointy stick? Yes. Difference: Null

Most major businesses in Tokyo and Japan in general qualify you for special bonuses, incentives and even raises if you eat healthier and maintain a solid, good diet. I don't see why this is an issue.

Why you trollin bro?

Right? I thought they did very well summing up a very Disney story in such a short amount of time. Boy meets girl, they go on dates, fall in love, have a kid, and she in turn ALSO goes to Disney and LURVES it.

You best be trollin', buddy. But thanks for the link to the song. As soon as I saw that comment, I knew I wanted to listen.

I hope that's what he meant. For example, I went and saw John Carter in theaters, and I don't even recall what was in 3D and what wasn't. Avatar (cliche, I know), on the other hand, I specifically remember seeing it all in 3D. Just don't want Prometheus to turn out like that, especially when it's got soooo much

That's what I was banking on. He's spent the last day or so telling everyone else. If you see it on Reddit, just remember: You saw it here first!

...Eh, now I'm a bit apprehensive about Prometheus. Not that I'll be seeing it in 3D, but to add in said 3D in post-production seems cheesey.

Do want. I bought a crappy Chinese power-assisted bike not too long ago, and it just stopped working completely after like a month. Sucked man, that thing would do up to 7mph on it's own power, with 0 pedaling on my end. Was very cool. Convenient in a pinch too when I had to get to work with no gas (Lived 20 minutes

Hey! Yes! Someone who knows :D I couldn't for the life of me find the like... six articles I read on it, and my buddy in the Air Force looked at me like I was stupid when I asked. Yay internet!

@CandleFlame - Fair enough.

Showed this to my little cousin, and then informed him that these are the floaties that he see's in his eyes.


Clitoris Curdling. New insult added to vocabulary for the next cat fight I get caught up in. Reminds me of those Dentine White commercials.

That's some good casting, but it's kind of sad no one's heard anything in so long. Not even a blurb about it on Morning News for io9 for over two years. But yeah I agree, the story and the idea is pretty great, but the writing was sub-par. Completely agree that the director could take some liberties with it and make