
Hey! Yes! Someone who knows :D I couldn't for the life of me find the like... six articles I read on it, and my buddy in the Air Force looked at me like I was stupid when I asked. Yay internet!

@CandleFlame - Fair enough.

Showed this to my little cousin, and then informed him that these are the floaties that he see's in his eyes.


Clitoris Curdling. New insult added to vocabulary for the next cat fight I get caught up in. Reminds me of those Dentine White commercials.

That's some good casting, but it's kind of sad no one's heard anything in so long. Not even a blurb about it on Morning News for io9 for over two years. But yeah I agree, the story and the idea is pretty great, but the writing was sub-par. Completely agree that the director could take some liberties with it and make

I get that alot, haha. I guess I can understand where you're coming from when I word it like that, but there's relatively little graphic violence, and it's mostly a setting or backdrop for team building and overcoming obstacles while dealing with trauma and life-altering events.

Can't quite call them Kabul, now can we? We'd offend all sorts of people.

I seriously wish my books would get this kind of attention. :( The YA section needs some solid, gritty military-scifi written by a dude.

You've clearly never had sex on an iPhone. GOOD DAY SIR.

Well, you did part of what I asked, so points for you. But to be fair you're still not explaining how he fucked all these people over. I mean, to an extent, that's what firms like that do. Regardless of how someone came in to their wealth, they are wealthy. While you may not agree with the means by which that wealth

The irony. I just switched from my 19" monitor to my 73" LCD. I'm loving it.

I won't lie, I came here expecting a 2000GT also. That's the only thing I think of when I see "Vintage Toyota"

You have no idea why you're angry do you? You're just being all RAH RAH FIGHT THE POWA eh? Come on bud, this isn't the place for that kind of thing. Attempt an intelligent counter-point soon though, I look forward to the entertainment.

Are you trying to make some sort of joke by repeating that? We get it bro. There's a 5k different. Save the planet, don't buy hybrids, etc etc.

I love you for showing this to me <3

*comes at you, bro*


You seem to be forgetting Teddy Roosevelt. The man who fought bears. The man who was a Cavalry Officer. The most manly of manly men.

Y'know, Nissans excuse is that they can't build a transmission that would be able to handle the power put down to all four wheels. But to be fair, I have to call bullshit. Audi makes R8's in a manual trim, and it's the same general idea.