
Just... Super Saiyan?

This is EA's new test-bed for a new type of game delivery... With the next 360 not supporting used games and such, this is their new theory: Charge 35$ extra when you buy online, and we'll deliver your game... From SPACE!

Probably just a positive\negative wire to a battery and a switch in the line somewhere.

At one point I was a pretty large guy, and then I started lifting weights. I needed to lose gut fat and arm fat, and fat in general, but I just wasn't up for the cardio. So I did weight lifting. The greatest thing is, I still weight 259 pounds, didn't lose much more than 20 pounds. But it's solid muscle now. I kinda

That book... Oh god, I tried so hard to finish it but it was just so god damn Meta that I couldn't handle it.

Pepsi would have won the Stock Quote wars, thus enslaving the entire American economic system and breaking down the entire global economy.

Well, considering all the other theories about this, I'd have to say this is equally as valid and accurate. +1 for aliens, too.

Not saying it was aliens... But it was aliens.

The spreading crimson stain beneath them indicated that something had gone horribly, horribly wrong with their supposedly peaceful transaction. On the floor beside the body of one man, a gun lay unfired, the hammer cocked but no bullet fired. Across from him, the origin point of the blood, a second man sat crumpled, a

This. One million times this.

Heart click for you. That's the first thing I thought of too. <3

You show me a pile of old PC's (Yes yes Apple's are PC's too but you know what I mean!) that looks even half that good, and I'll concede the point.

Couldn't agree with you more. As another commenter up top said, they are a reflection of who you are, want to be, and were. And even if I don't find myself quite as fond of them later in life as I do now, they are still a story board to my life, outlining my interests, beliefs and passions at that time. And that's not

Do you seriously think that the entire bill is founded on the idea that women are stupid? Seriously? Way to victimize yourself and women in this general situation. No, I think the bill is more founded on the fact that many women see abortion as the first and possibly only option to a bad situation, where killing the

The Gaunts Ghosts novels are wonderful. Dan Abnett is a beautiful military writer, and he's one of my main inspirations.

Same. Good auto-correct is almost predictive anymore. I can randomly type in 'frsk' and it'll understand that I was wanting to type "The House" or something. It's pretty great. Plus physical keys can break\stick\come off\come out\refuse to function due to delicate sensors and wiring sheets. No such issues with an

Wow, so let's try this again. I now support these politicians? I'm against abortion, sure. Is it so bad to force them to look at the face of what they're about to murder? I don't think so. Nothing grounds you in reality like realizing you're about to murder a living being. The point behind a rectal exam to get pills

It's not the point of the exam to actually have them screened for these things. As the article points out, it's some wigged out feminist on a power trip saying "If women have to have a pointless (not really) procedure, then men should too!11!!!oneeleventyl1!" - It's just bullshit, plain and simple. It also boggles my

Oh hey, look at that. The entire world isn't made out of Islamist extremist men who do that. Whoops.

Interesting that the article so quickly dismisses it as not being "science" - Please do remember, this is the kind of thinking that brought us to some major ground breaking discoveries. He's casting out a line and seeing what bites, and that's not a bad method.