
I don't think Windows 8 will implement all of it, either. Then again I won't be making the switch, since as far as I'm concerned Windows 8 looks like a bag of wet dicks.

Market research. You're doing it wrong. (or not at all)

12? Hell, I stuffed 16 gigs in my tower. Don't know how much of it is utilized, but dammit it's there.

Hyperdrive gets my vote, if it mattered... Sounds like it could go either way; Fifth Element style, or Blade Runner style.

Was this recently? Because, y'know... c'mon. It's been out since what, 2002? If it's been out longer than three years, I really don't think avoiding spoilers\getting pissed over a spoiler for something that old is worth it.

What is up with his neck in that far-right picture?

I couldn't agree more that one nation trolling it's growth-stunted little brother would be awesome.

Right? It's like they draw the same face, over and over again.

Hey. Learn to read. Thanks.

Time and patience, friend. Within those two things, you'll find the funds for an FT-86. Perhaps not new, and perhaps with some miles on it, but you'll find the funds with time and patience.

I imagine they're going to have to implement their own line of wheelchairs for this to work on. While the idea of it attaching to the inner hub of the wheels is fine and dandy, like another user said, it's hardly streamlined right now. Now, on the other hand, if they used center-locking hubs like Porsche uses on it's

Very. I've left it on since I found the article.

Except for, y'know, it IS. Despite all the bugs, this game manages to have several hundred hours of play time in it, near unlimited player choices, and a constantly changing world. The world is literally SO vast that you're unlikely to run in to more than two or three small bugs during your first hundred hours, and

So, how about those updates for the winners?

Is that... Ellen Paige?

Trololololol lo lo lo loooo~ Tis the season to be trolling~

I have eight of him just standing about. The only way to break up the group is to attack them, and then they seem to just go off in their own directions.

While I agree limited edition content for AAA titles such as GTAIV made it a pretty good case for most people, and I won't deny that Gears is insanely popular, I still think that when I was in college, almost every room had a 360. And my group of friends all bough one on the idea that "Well, Halo 3 will be out on

You missed my sarcasm. :( I was poking fun at how Gawker as a whole seems to push Apple products.

You should all check around for these more often. There is a second company legally importing them. Check DuPont Registry.