
Get out.

Right? I'm sad my child will never have that experience. It's a great physics lesson, too!

Right? No Droid love either, yet. How annoying. Kinda figured it'd... y'know, be on Google's very own mobile platform. Guess not.

Aw, c'mon. It's only 114 in Phoenix today. That's not so terrible.

Wonderful series of films. They're all available on YouTube. I managed to rip them with a Chrome extension, and made a complete video which is about 20 minutes long, total. I'll see if I can upload it without youtube ganking it.

Banned for animal abuse... PETA would have been on Fords' door step for months after this if it was aired in the US.

Haha, even on mute I jumped a little.

Why would they never see it in person? I'm pretty sure if I went to China, I could opt to go to this new park. not that I would want to actually.. ride anything, chinese safety standards being what they are, and all.

That baby Tonks is actually adorable. I'll admit I have cried in only two movies up until I saw the last part of Harry Potter, and I cried when I saw Remus and Tonks holding hands on their death bed.

So does this explain how Westeros gets ten year long Summers, with randomly placed Winters?

Is it so fast that it's like a FIGHTER JET MADE OF BICEPS?

Am I drunk, or.... wait what?

Ah, the memories of idiots trying to start my Saab without actually looking for the ignition first.

Fight the power man. How idiotic... Because they're locked in to a contract that I imagine they regret, you refuse to support a company that makes a good product. Brilliant.

Looks like your run of the mill Adult Swim special effects.

I wish... If PS Home looked even remotely that cool, and had even remotely as much functionality as a FF game, it'd be the best social-MMO ever.

Truth. Plus, Saint George is actually a very beautiful place to drive through.

Are you seriously a starred commentor on Jalopnik spelling it "Camero"? It's CAMARO.

Have to disagree here. Sorry. I work at a dealership where we sell both diesel and gasoline trucks. One of the salesmen actually put diesel in a 5.7 gasoline engine, drove it back to the dealership, and let it idle for a few minutes. And then shit got real, smoke blew out the exhaust, it backfired, and the engine

Nissan's L28 engine. Cannot beat the durability, reliability, and the easy power.