
...How did you get a star? Even your sarcasm is lack luster.

I couldn't agree more. To me, all these Zelda games have just became stale tripe. Over and over and over with the same game set in a different world, with better graphics and a few new NPC's. Give us a Zelda MMO, or something.

You are the reason we need a "like" button here.

Really? Way to foster the growth of the industry, by, y'know... telling people who want to try to fuck off. Good stuff, mate.

I loved that one, too. I'm a huge, huge fan of almost every Studio Ghibli movie.

I can't actually say I have. And it was amazing. It made me want to somehow implement a sort of shallow infinity pool... all across my driveway.

I truly do hope my daughter grows up to be at least one tenth that epic.

I wondered how long it was going to take before the military just said "The hell with all this red tape", and gave the ground forces a personal uplink. No one better understands the need for that air support than the guys on the ground.

I don't quite think so. However, we now have clear proof that vehicles that are somewhat even remotely built or effected by Italians have a higher chance of catching on fire.

So... It'll be like Killzone 3? Cool!

I'm up for that, but for something far more interesting. If they can't afford to inhabit them, they can't afford to police them. We could have huge, huge scale airsoft\paintball battles. Alternatively, we could just fly there with our belongings and quietly slip in to the unoccupied lofts, put up some generators and

Let's see...

Jarvis was... standard? What odd future are you from where A.I.'s than can project 360 degree holographic interfaces is standard?

Looks like a Trans-Am or Firechicken.

Same. I've been following this for quite a bit now, and I'm stoked. I cannot wait to get my Templar action on.

Know what I call in-game advertisements for real places\real things? Immersion. Maybe it's just me, but I enjoy seeing things in game that are familiar to me, and to things I see in real life. Makes me feel like I can relate. And I completely understand that's like 50% of what they're trying to do by using these

Just add a five to that last bit so it reads 155.66 Mph, and none of us will ever know the difference. :D

The main reason for this behaviour is that you can be imprisoned for x amount of time in Dubai if you owe money, even on a car. Miss a payment? Hello jail cell. That's why so many of these exotics get left to... sit, I suppose. Their owners park them, and get the hell out of Dodge.

I'm the same man. I've been flying since I was a kid, but for some reason, I guess since I've matured and learned a bit about planes, turbulence just horrifies me. On my last south west flight, we dropped almost one hundred feet before the pilots could react, and I about screamed. Usually I'm calm and collected, but