
Crysis is well balanced, looks beautiful, and is far from a cheap walmart version of ANYTHING. Play it first.

Only drawback is that it won't look... THAT much better, I don't think. Plus DS\i titles have longer load times on the 3DS

Perhaps a Drift of 240SX's

Perhaps... A Kill of Corvettes?

I wonder if there would be even more comments about the racial profiling if it was the other way around? Jus' sayin..

I would have to say that my favorite music is what I currently wake to: The morning bells of the local Buddhist temple, signaling morning meditation. Lasts for about three minutes, and rings at six AM. Beautiful.

Just got mine. Check your e-mail, they seem to have gone out late yesterday!

Same, sadly. I've been eagerly checking my inbox every few hours, but nothing as of yet. I'll post it here when I get it though.

Or you could simply enter the corner at speed, grip properly through the corner, and accelerate out barely using the brakes. In my younger days, I'd outrun Silvia's and all sorts of things in the Canyons with my little Type-R, simply by driving properly. I also couldn't drift to save my life, so I found the next best

Holy poop I got starred! Thank you so much. :) I'm glad I could contribute something everyone enjoyed so much.

I am flattered, honestly. I don't ever think much of my own writing, but I have done a bit of it prior to this. Thank you for the honesty, also. I do plan on continuing the story, with modifications where necessary.

Haha, thank you. Little challenges like the one the author of the post put up tend to ignite my more creative side, and these are the results.

Here we go. Wrote a three page story using those words. Hope you all enjoy. :)

Not trying to feed you at all here, but really? After a quarter century you can't let it go? They sunk our harbour, we destroyed two whole cities. I think we can call it even now, pal.

I work for Honda, and I'm going to go in and bust my ass today. Because all in all, I'll be helping out the country, that gave me the company, that gave me a job, that helps me live.

Why do you miss it? We still all play on weekends. Check the forums for a time and server. :D

Guys, guys... Don't worry. Neither of the endings make a damn bit of sense, and I saw them the natural way, by finishing the game! This is very clearly just a "part two" of a three or four part series.

If I could still heart click you, I would. Thanks for a good laugh.

Looks good. I can definitely see some of the Halo ques in there, but it's a good thing. Will buy.