They are beating a giant dead horse... Is it really that hard to understand?
They are beating a giant dead horse... Is it really that hard to understand?
You had yourself covered with that IIRC, I just thought I'd share what I know.
You do not recall correctly... Not even damn close. Both of those games were out on XBLA far before they came to PC. In SMB's case: about a month. In Braid's: about eight months.
Who knows? I cancelled my subscription to them the moment I read the review for Far Cry Instincts, I believe it was (Or maybe Far Cry Instincts: Predator). The review was horribly written, and the author couldn't get over the fact that the protagonist swore a few times during the game. There were some bad reviews…
Well hello there, New Wallpaper for my Desktop.
Because plenty of people like all sorts of different games/genres/sub-genres. That's like saying, "Oh, you like Splinter Cell? You'll hate Metal Gear Solid."
That parting statement of yours might be the dumbest thing I've read all day.
It's arcade-y for sure, but so are games like NFL Blitz or NBA Jam. They take the real and make those brand names (in sports games: player's names, in Ace Combat: vehicle names) one of the major selling points of the product.
That's probably true. I think that them having real war vehicles is because their game is about, well, vehicle based warfare. I don't think that EA will lose this one.
Really? Because Ace Combat and games such as Gran Turismo are vehicle SIMULATION games. They have to have the correct specs and abilities as their real life counterparts. A HUGE amount of development time is put to make the digital representations of the vehicles as accurate as possible. They get the licenses because…
I actually thought I was listening to my own music at first. I had to pause the video to be sure that it wasn't an audio player hidden somewhere between all my tabs.
Eh, not to bad given the fact that it was filmed through forge — a feature (in case you are too ignorant to know) that can't be rewound in campaign films. Didn't feel like restarting the save and fast forwarding through the entire mission multiple times just for editing's sake. Which is why skipping to the mark I…
Skip to 2:25 and you will see how bad ass they are!
It's the other way around.
I had 370 hours on one character in Oblivion.... soooooo
But stop right there isn't even near as good as "This is the part where you fall down and BLEED to death!"
I've heard it quite a few amount of times, and I had no idea it was a meme until today. People are lame.
Stranger's Wrath was originally only released on Xbox and PC.
What BluRay movies do you buy that are $50? And there have been plenty of great movies that have come out recently.
Because there wasn't... There was a no HDD version and then a 25GB (in reality around 12GB) version. Then there was the 120GB version (what I have), and there is also the arcade version (a mere 512MB). There are lots of versions out there. And now that you can use usb sticks (up to a certain limit), there are more…