
@Nexus6: What was worse? Everything seemed better to me? Did you not play the first one much?

@Altima NEO: Yeah, but twice the coop mayhem, gliding, side missions, PvP multiplayer, MAG grenades, UV shotguns, better frame rate, better physics, and new announcer commentary...

@dracosummoner: That picutre is of the unlockable in Perfect Dark for XBLA. It is an unlock you get through Crackdown... however that and the resemblance to the agent's armor in Crackdown are the only similarities.

@Cthulhuh: Good catch. Instead of listing game by game they could also have just said:

@Cthulhuh: The deals were listed in chronological order based on the sale (percentage off normal price). The first Steam section shows the games with 50% off. The next section is the 33% off category.

Pretty sure these were all amazing:

Does it have to be games just shown at E3?

@NightMystic: Yet the best of Wii features Kirby, Zelda, and NBA Jam. These are franchises that have been around for forever (longer than any of the franchises for best of 360 anyways (except maybe Tomb Raider)). How is this new?

Games I wished to see more of but weren't shown (as far as I know).

@Chewblaha: Haha the guy used to shop at the grocery store I worked at in Los Gatos. He is actually quite rescpectful and level-headed. My boss was a big-time Raider's fan, but even he thought Alex Smith was nice.

@JabbaB: You liked Fear 2? I thought it was so bland in comparison to Fear 1. The only thing I like about the second one was the way the guns handled.

@Z_Naught: In terms of exclusives:

@Killer Toilet: Currently, I think he has a bigger problem leading to him not being able to use Kinect.

@hatmantc: You want to pay for demos? Interesting.

@0300078: Wel if it sells for $60. It needs to sell 1,000,001 copies to make a profit. But like lionkitten said, that's not the whole budget.

@turkish101: Well in terms of Eidos... I enjoyed Just Cause 1, and then Just Cause 2 came and blew the first out of the water. I also enjoyed the last two Tombraider games that I played on this gen consoles.

@jacksprat1990: No. He was pointing out a game coming out in '10 to one in '08.

@Pointy: You sure about that sniper man? I always find it on the floor in swordbase, between the two trees.