
At school I get the "what's that we should type at the address bar.. i can't remember it's htt something" and some of them don't get that the website address cannot have spacing!! AARRUUGGHH!! and some typed www. !!!!

@DJKGinHD: Well, if it's not recoverable then the only solution is.......... Claim warranty! : D( if you still have the warranty). Anyway, I've never herd of the bricked devices since the 1st gen of iPhones and iPod because they are using different exploit now. The second gen devices is using the i believe it's called

@ninja_togo: Look, I din't know that you taking this seriously but i was half joking on the first comment. Sorry but I understand perfectly how this card works.

Nah, bricked ur iPhone? Just restore it, I don't see all the fuss about.

@ninja_togo: Well, wifi hacking can also be done using the help of a GPU processor to speed it up.

This is gonna be super cool! I mean for the iPad.

@Koiwai: What da? You doing it for real? Cool!!! G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G...... reminds me of school of rock....

This may be the solution to super fast wifi hacking!

I always wanted an iPad so bad!

Wonder what's in iOS 10.0. Some holographic projection interface? Seriously, I can go to home with 1 finger.

Is windows trademarked?

this is more serious than apple... restraining order means? He can't get near a sony device?