
I’d definitely eat that.


So you are telling that they should rent a plane and jump off for "not photoshop"'s sake?

For Elizabeth's sake, it's only a trailer. Not a footage of the storyline. It was meant to show the game mechanics and characters in the game!

Or maybe fit them with nuclear batteries just like they did with Curiosity.

Also, not to mention that they are precise instruments which the manufacturing process is very limited and expensive + the R&D has gone into it. Yeah, plus the tech support, software, training and such, I can imagine.

I would kill for a Portal movie though.

Tho, I like Aoi in this. She is the laugh element in this anime.



Bioshock Infinite all the way!

Holy Crab!


I feel sad for you. You childhood must have sucked until you hate an Xbox controller.

That piecing is a huge turn off. The actress is a fail!



I swear to god this was not my intention.

Watching the documentary changed my view of him.