I'm not sure about one off customer service, but if you have a service department where you work, then treating them well is very much in your own interest.

Is 2-3 hours before bed a time range that you shouldn't exercise in, or is it an approximate minimum time before bed you shouldn't exercise? Is exercising 1 hour before bed better or worse than 2-3 hours? How much does it disrupt sleep? The information presented in this article is vague to the point of being useless.

One thing I used to do when I had to drive to work was I would log in remotely 30 minutes before I left for work. I would use that time to send any emails that I needed replies to before I could start working that day.

Eating out is definitely a significant non-critical expense that is hard to cut.

“Let’s do it properly this time without the theatrics this time.”

Scallops always taste fishy to me, I'm not sure if that's because they're more delicate and spoil faster, or if that's just how they're supposed to taste.

I agree. I've worked in the Software industry for several years, and I don't think I've met a developer, tester or manager under 45 who didn't get a college degree first.

Try playing DDR. You can get a home pad and a console version pretty cheaply. As a game, it has a very good learning curve, and you will be amazed at how much better you get.

I think each kid is different, but I find the idea of someone searching my room, spying on me, or looking through my browser history deeply offensive. My parents would always ask permission when they needed to invade my privacy, and while I never said "no" the fact that they asked meant that they respected me, and it

This article assumes that just because purposefulness is correlated with longevity that it must be the cause. It's entirely possible that purposefulness is caused by a third factor, which also causes longevity. The reason there is no answer to the headline question is because the answer is unknown and might not even

Slippers are a bad choice. They are not made for walking long distances on hard surfaces. Sandles or Crocs on the other hand are terrific and I highly recommend them for travelling. You can just put your belt (and also your watch and all the stuff in your pockets) in your bag before you enter the checkpoint. Unless

I go one better and automate my recreation. Now I can play my favorite online game for hours each day while only taking a couple hours a week to improve the automation. My automation has gotten so good that I don't even need to check on the game to know I'm doing well and having fun.

I miss MUDs (multi user dungeons). Everyday after school I'd go home crack open a telnet window and play with my friends for hours.

Keep in mind that professors went to grad school for 4-6 years where they worked full time on stipends of around $20k per year, then worked as a postdoc for several more years on a reduced salary.

This is my test too. I have many friends that I have never worked with who I don't link to on LinkedIn. I would ask them favors, but I don't want people who couldn't recommend me to potential employers polluting my profile.

My partner works from home, while I usually choose jobs that require me to be in the office, so it's more important for him to have his own room. Also, it's not like I gave my partner the room unprompted, we both came to that arrangement, because he was concerned about not having a place where he could privately work.

This situation has happened to me too. The way I've dealt with it is to give my partner a room that is 100% theirs. I don't enter their room without their explicit permission, or put anything of mine in there, ever. The rest of the apartment is shared and mostly furnished with my stuff, or new stuff we've both bought.