I bet AppleJack plays fiddle

The Suzuki School starts kids on violin at that age. They have 1/16th sized instruments that they play on.

How do people who personally experience social injustice deal with that stress? That seems like it would be a huge stressor, but it's something that's very hard to accept or eliminate.

And peroxide?

Are all of these techniques safe for colored carpets and clothes?

This is an excellent question, and I would love to hear the answer.

I watch Let's Play videos or TED Talks while I clean. Also is great for motivating me to do menial chores.

If I want to start a habit, like practicing everyday or waking up early, I'll make a commitment to do it everyday for 1 week.

I'd recommend Fire Red and Leaf Green over the original red and blue if you already have a GBA emulator.

Thank goodness he survived Wall Street.

I too work in a small IT department. The way I deal with time vampires is I try to spread my attention evenly across all of the requesters for various tasks. So, if I have 3 people, Ann, Bob and Carl sending me tickets, and Carl sends 6x the amount that Ann and Bob do, then I do one Ann ticket, one Bob ticket and one

I'm never sure how much discomfort is normal for a deep tissue massage, so I'm not sure when to give feedback.

Step 2: Stop reading Lifehacker.

I thought they meant draw a capital Q on your forehead with a marker or pen...

Thank you for pointing this out. I take advice from Lifehacker with heaps of salt, so it's nice to hear a professional provide their insight on the matter.

Putting things in the freezer for several hours (in a freezerbag) can help if they're habitually smelly.

Maggots! Now I'm going to have nightmares forever. :(

I'm not saying he's not a chemistry expert, but we're given no reason to believe that he is. Expertise in one area doesn't mean expertise in another.

Arvind Narayana, a computer science professor at Princeton and affiliate scholar at Stanford Law School, explains what's at play here: Caffeine decreases the activity of adenosine, a sleep chemical, in the brain, causing increased focus and concentration. But the more regularly we drink coffee, the brain benefits we

If it's an option, I would suggest taking up a social, physically demanding hobby.