America's Wang

I was just going to say this. I actually caught this episode on TV a few weeks ago.

Side note: I’m shocked Q did not make the list instead.

You mean, more of an asshat than he was as regular Riker??

Egress requirements are different for highrises, nobody’s going to be escaping a fire out their 19th storey window.

as an aside exterior wall hallways are amazing

Frasier’s Apartment to me is still the gold standard.


Pictures from Curiosity really freak me out. THAT SHIT IS ON ANOTHER FUCKING PLANET


She’s as blonde as I am black.

That’s the only charge? Must be nice to be a White Girl™

I don’t see the point. Both nations already possess enough warheads spread across submarines, silos and mobile launch devices to fully nuke each other many times over.

I’d rather see it destroy an area the size of Florida.

The real question is whether or not he ever had any hookers in that LeBaron.

Did he bite on the pencil?

Ridiculous? If you want ridiculous, imagine how many times I’ve had to re-buy this movie.

Nah, Unsolved Mysteries had the spookiest music ever.

I tend to just wish people would realise that this racist orange asshole would make an awful president.

i...have feelings. while i wish rape and sexual assault on NO ONE, do i kind of hope that this story is true so that drumpf falls from grace?

you can buy the complete series on DVD now, Costco has it, I bought it for my mother for Christmas.

You mean Spockiest!