’s usually us leftists with kids shooting their toddler siblings when they stumble upon a .45 left on a nightstand. “lol!”
It went to market. Mystery solved.
I saw this recently and wondered who the hell the guys polled were. Intelligence prominently tops my list.
I can ascribe to ego my incredulity at languishing out here in the hinterland (right below you)—without a single recommend—despite what I thought a well-thought out, imaginative proposal. I can’t use excuse in rationalizing why much lesser, boilerplate analyses and proposals above are having tens of stars lavished…
Mirror universe post TOS <>200 yrs. The Gorn are an peaceable, democratic civilization making wary overtures of peace toward the Terran Empire (with the blessing/backing of the Metrons whom have always held the Gorn in high regard since the mirror occurrence of the events portrayed in “Arena” in which the Gorn…
Pffft. He foresaw 9/11. End of story.
Still waiting on the apology for that one wine he sold before its time.
Can they be seen from Tabby’s Star (aka KIC8462852)?
Stop. Just stop.
Ah sad the tale of Occam Razorhands...
I’m terrified of a mine-shaft gap. Great comment.
I’ve seen it...yes. I remember being really disturbed as a kid by (semi-spoiler alert) the shot of the calf falling out of the mother “screaming.”
I believe only one verified attack on a human in the wild ever—the victim (whom survived) being a surfer off of California back in the Seventies. Plenty of anecdotal evidence though from Inuits and Arctic explorers describing deliberate stalking behavior witnessed, discoveries of scenes of what seemed to be the…
The toy says it wants to destroy the last Jedi. If they’re the same person, that doesn’t make sense.
I’ll bite...what’s it from?