
Well I like cars and driving... So... I guess I picked the right spot cause of the mountains and

People who live in the city don’t drive around in the city, they take public transport, they own a car for when they need to get out of the city, and get cheaper gas while in the suburbs.

Apart from 9/11, No one cares about NYC and what happens there.

You’d think that to be the case, but unfortunately the sales numbers don’t reflect that sort of common sense. The Ford F-Series pickups have remained the top selling vehicle in this country for something like 30+ years now. The current number two in terms of sales? Chevy Silverado.

Maybe go bonkers and make a truck barely with enough to hold two people but the length of a school bus. Nobody actually does that much work, but lots of people would like to make it look like they do.

“Right. We should have 24 hours of despair and moaning, and then we will all have to roll up our sleeves and make this shit shower work.”

People love having something to bitch about. The most ironic part about this is that I guarantee you that most of the people complaining and speculating about this in the comments don’t even live in Britain.

Hopefully it’s not as bad as most people seem to think it will be but it will take years for this whole thing to play out. Everyone is acting like the full effects of Britain leaving the EU will be in full swing tomorrow when that is the furthest thing from the truth.

Brexit is a fantastic victory for freedom.

I don't understand why people are freaking out. This was a non-binding resolution. Now parlement will have to approve leaving that'll take a year then the terms of the EU treaty means a 2 year process for leaving. So it will take 3-4 years for the process to complete if it ever does.

I'm bettin they’ll probably just join in the European Free Trade Association with Switzerland and some of the northern countries. So meh.

All this drama over what, a few percentage points of extra tariff possibly maybe if the negotiations don’t go well?

He doesn’t need one. He walks on water.


And this is exactly why Ford shouldn’t should make self driving mustangs.


What the shit. This isn’t even funny anymore. The government shouldn’t be trying to eliminate assault rifles, they should be trying to eliminate the Mustang...

It’s too easy in this country to get a mustang. These cars aren’t meant to drive, they’re for killing as many pedestrians as possible, we need stronger vetting to ensure these don’t fall into the hands of “mustang drivers....”

When will America wake up and pass real mustang control legislation??!?!