
Thanks. I’ll continue at Road&Track with Travis.

I was very sad to see that you were fired. You’re an excellent auto writer. Best of luck to you.

Nope, we just didn’t want to cancel already set trips only because Gawker fired me on a five minute notice.

The Apple sheeple won’t be happy to read that.

And I came here just to make a Takata joke. Guess I’ll have to recall that idea.

Neutral: Rand McNally

I am one of those people who put down $1000 on a model 3 at the store prior to online orders opening. I did not camp overnight or anything crazy like that, but simply stopped by after work and placed the order.

I don’t think you understand how the hype train works.

No, the model S is legit a product. Yes it has some build quality issues but its still basically the first ever viable (if very niche) full EV. Its what they did after that convinces me that their business model is flawed and their leadership is focused on all the wrong things. The Model X is the perfect rolling

It’s almost like basic marketing to stretch out information over multiple media cycles. Woah.

Elon Musk is basically the Hooli guy from Silicon Valley. He says a lot of profound BS and the media lap it up because the only ones who get access are not real journalists, just fawning fanboy tech bloggers (I include all of Gawker in this sorry bunch of losers). His entire business strategy is built on hype,

elon, could a grille be on the docket to? I mean just give it the corporate nose from the S and X PLEASE. It’d look so much better than the rough draft it is right now.

You know how you fix quality issues? Accelerate development and launch timelines! Surefire success.

I hope they get rid of any unnecessary sensors and motors. the S and X will become nightmares 10 or 15 years down the road. All the electrics and sensors will crap out and cost piles of money.

What a phallusy!

I regret that I have but one star to give to your post.

Yes. Please stop the pointless posts about Tesla.

Every time I see something with Elon Musk it gets more cringeworthy.

Naaah, buy them something with drum brakes all around... non power drum brakes. That will teach them that life isn’t fair and to pay attention and have a plan!

This Forbes article is a good read