Too big, too ugly, too expensive to maintain, too douchey.
Too big, too ugly, too expensive to maintain, too douchey.
Those black wheels for a start. For another, this car (and even the “regular” SL500), which I like a lot, has parts that will cost you once the warranty runs out or which will be excluded as wear items, that a Miata either doesn’t have or which would cost significantly less (tire pressure monitoring sensors-$2,000)—if…
An automatic, 440o pound 12 year old Mercedes? I can think of a lot of reasons I’d rather have a Miata.
Just saw one of these sitting on the used lot at our local VW dealer. ABC suspension collapsed, ABS inop, and other misc leaks per the window sticker, and they wanted $15000 for it. No thanks.
I’m not a 55-year old divorcée with bad taste.
No, it was named after some black chick in Detroit.
Can confirm. 2002 Mercury Sable in 2006, owned by millionaires, loaned to me, got me waved into yacht and country clubs, then directed to front row parking. It was baffling.
You can get away with buying a 3-Series or something like that on a constrained budget. But the going rule with the 7-Series is that if you can’t afford to own it new, you can’t afford to own it used (unless you have a CarMax warranty). The labor and parts don’t get any cheaper just because it’s now 7 or 8 years old.
Dude at work bought one of those BMWs. He’s broke now.
You have the wrong wagon.
I’m surprised you didn’t claim to be a part of this group. This idiotic mentality is bringing nothing but negative light upon motorcycle riders for the majority of Americans.
if you participate in willfully running red lights and encouraging your friends to do so, then you must be fully prepared to be accountable for the lives of your friends when they are hit by cars who lawfully have the right of way.
This. And if you do hit them accidentally, or they hit you, you are likely to get your car trashed or the shit beat out of you.
Nobody says roads are for cars only. But roads are definitely not for fucking morons who make them their own personal playgrounds for their shitty bikes.
Roads aren't for cars only. Similarly, they aren't for motorcycles only either. Public streets aren't the private playgrounds for these guys anymore than they are the private racetracks for street racers.
Agreed. These guys are a special breed of asshat.
I can hate on them. Because they are fucking idiots.
That’s simply idiotic, though your admission of being part of CM makes sense. There is NOTHING glorious about this. Reckless riders put the rest of us at risk by pissing off drivers.
This would be awesome if it weren’t just political grandstanding. He knows there is no way he is going to get a tax proposal like that past Congress, even if it were run by democrats.