
You said it, sister. Although I might have a problem finding "white fiber" pasta, which was one of the main reasons I purchased so much Barilla before learning about this. Anybody know of anything like this or any good whole wheat pasta?

I babysat an Evelyn once. Did I babysit you? :)

Henrietta was my great-grandma's name. I've never liked it before, but I adored her and the other women in that direct matriarchal line. Those women have not been blessed with good names, though I got my middle name from her (a now hugely popular — and thus, to me, unusable — name). "Henrietta" is growing on me,

My name is not one that can be spelled phonetically in English (I'm as American as can be), and I absolutely abhor the common mispronunciation. I've spent my life choosing when to correct people and when to let it go. That said, my name is mine, it's awesome, and I wouldn't trade it for any other. If Mairead is your

I know her as Suzanne on Studio 60, on which she was stellar.

I think everyone has given you great suggestions, so I'll just throw this one thing into the mix: my absolute favorite thing about my book club is the sense of community. The reading and discussion is great, but the fellowship we've found through our love of books is so much more important. When I was a young person,

One more reason to put my kids in public schools. But if I do decide I want them to become insufferable snobs, I'll keep you in mind for a reference, thanks. Are you kidding me with this?

Yeah, the banana chai sounded gross to me, too. It was on the menu at my neighborhood place (best coffee shop EVER), so I tried it. I can't drink chai lattes anywhere else now.

You clearly have what you like, but Imma throw this out there: I love love love the shaken passion tea (I add splenda) but with no water. Occasionally, they ask me to pay more, but it's worth it! That stuff undiluted? Heavenly!

I'm that person. I don't need it to be my one place in the world, but my one food/drink dispensary. I'm an extremely picky eater, and since becoming an adult and realizing what a pain in the ass special orders can be at restaurants, I've tried to cut down.

Quick exception: the banana-chocolate chip coffee cake at Starbucks is deeeeee-licious! And OhMyGodTheCakePops. Sorry, I'm on week four gluten-free for a medical issue, and I miss pastries. Mmmmmm... Pastries.....

I feel this way about my Starbucks shaken passion tea, no water. I'm not trying to scam them; I just like the taste when it's stronger. I'm happy to pay more if they ask me to.

Well, I'm never hiring a babysitter, so thanks for that.

YES! Thank you for this. TinyThinker is twenty months, and she has a vagina, damn it, not a hooha. What I found most significant in what you wrote (because many people don't think of it) is the bit about kids having agency over their bodies. Often when I'm changing her or getting her dressed, I'll kiss TinyThinker's

Loving this. I always joked about this with my high school/college boyfriend. On top of loving that movie, his mom drove a Volkswagen, and we once had what, to this day (I'm in my early thirties and multiple partners removed) stands as one of my best ever sexual encounters in the backseat.

Thanks for the tip! I would add that you can buy (almost) the entire electronic series for less than $3 at Amazon. I'm not linking because there are multiple options. I got a set that came with text and audio for $3, all books except Windy Poplars.

This comment is perfection. I was loving the content, and then that closing... Perfection!

I loved Diana, Nora, Leslie, many of Anne's foils. But I could never really get behind Philippa. I just found her to be a twit. LM pulled it out in the end for her, but only by giving her sound taste in men, and I'm not sure that was the best way to go.

No freaking way!

It's one of my favorites, but I'm driven nearly insane by the grammatical error in the title. Because I watch it so frequently, this is an issue in my life. I really need to learn to let go, but I can't. I CAN'T.