I agree that on balance, it's a great patriotic album, but it's far more realistic (and kinda depressing) than I think some people think it is. The title track is certainly a contradiction between sound and lyrics.
I agree that on balance, it's a great patriotic album, but it's far more realistic (and kinda depressing) than I think some people think it is. The title track is certainly a contradiction between sound and lyrics.
There's a Pierce-Arrow at http://saratogaautomuseum.org that is just magnificent. It holds it own against any rotating exhibit. There's just something about it.
I don't follow F1 for a variety of reasons, although an intense hatred of Bernie is at the top. So for that reason alone, I'm thrilled to see any qualified driver leave! Plus, LeMans embodies racing so much more than F1 does with its NASCAR like commercial attitudes and soap operas.
What I'd really like to see if a heat map of all top selling vehicles. If someone can find some massive data file/store with sales per region/city/etc, I'd be totally willing to help out.
I don't think it's about historic precedence, but rather 1. the utility of such vehicles, 2. the familiarity of the mechanical bits, including being RWD. Even if that's not why people believe they're buying BOF SUVs or trucks, I think that's a key to their adoption, particularly through the 90s.
That sort of makes sense. I don't remember if the 250 was included, but I remember reading something about the 350s not really being the same truck as the 150. The distinction wasn't too specific, but maybe the frame or suspension is substantially different? In contrast, maybe the 2500/3500 HDs for GM aren't and are…
No real changes, here, just more data. Interesting to see how identical their curves are. I would expect over the next few years for those totals to be very close. Some of this is likely buying habits, gas prices, etc., but could also be long term planning and switching of plants/lines to different platforms too. The…
I pulled numbers from http://www.goodcarbadcar.net/ for better or worse. They had 2013 monthly numbers, but I wanted to see just full years, to balance out for "end of year closeouts" or similar seasonal stuff.
While the new vehicle sales are always fun to look at, what I really want is the numbers our hard earned tax and registration dollars go to. I want to know the numbers by year, make, and model of every registered vehicle on the road in each DMV's data center. Then I want to spend a weekend with all of it in Tableau.
The Thruway's got the speed and the lack of road width that don't favor large object avoidance. I almost hit a turkey on the Thruway once, flew right out in front of me and the tail feathers brushed the passenger front corner. That would have been messy.
My friend William of Ockham and I believe you may be on to something. Whether it's like you say, or was perhaps started out due to lousy coach conversion wiring, I don't think it started because of the air springs.
Or the Bondurant? preferred method of 9 and 3 which allows you more center grip, especially with one hand and keeps your hand on the outside of the wheel. One short side walled tire blows out under acceleration and she'll lose total control of that wheel when its spokes slam into her fingers.
A college buddy had one for a year or so. Our school had this like mini oval track (ok, it was a weird, really long traffic circle) and I remember he took one of the corners around 70+ with three of us in the car. Up until then about 35 was the most anyone would think to push through there. That car was just a go-kart.
Glad to hear it helped. It was so perfect I had nothing to really add to it! Another really great resource if you want to understand more about this sort of stuff is Edmunds.com's Suspension walk arounds. The first few you'll feel like a dear in headlights, but after that it'll start making sense.
This passed the ultimate litmus test in my house: I showed it to my wife and she was appalled and thought the design was horrendously "too much". I love it and I now have confirmation this is awesome.
Ok, weird, this and another just showed up at the same time: http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Gle…
Was it just me or is the steering wheel bathed in black light? If so, that is an awesomely ingenius idea!