
I love AFL. It’s much more exciting than rugby, IMO. Wish we could get more than a handful of games here in the states on something other than a pay channel.

“When you need precision racism, you can always count on a middle-aged white bumpkin.”

Do you play for this team? What is compelling you to defend a random Canadian baseball team so much? For someone whose whole point is “Don’t take it so seriously,” you’re taking it incredibly seriously.

Yeah, it’s all young, attractive men paying steep prices for small amounts of sexual stimulation.

I enjoy (good) boxing - so why does MMA seem so ugly and unwatchable to me? Help me out here.

The best is Billy trying to provide evidence for “his claim on the “best dribbler in the world” crown” by linking to his own article.

Not exactly. At first they wanted $120 million in subsidies from the state, plus free land, for a stadium along I-195, and that plan fell apart. The $38 million was a combination of city and state funding.

No-stir risotto in twenty minutes, with a pot I don’t have to watch.

TI-83 support coming this Fall.


Frying pan? Somebody was playing PUBG when everyone else went Fortnite. 

/Borat voice  “High Life”

Let’s be more pragmatic about this. Toss the average person into the ocean, and, after being momentarily alarmed, they’d soon get control, tread water, look around, and at least have a chance at navigating and/or surviving for at least awhile. If there are no nearby land, boats, or top secret US naval missions, they’d

Albert leads with a petty and unnecessary insult but Patrick makes a way better case.

Space. The ocean is at least a something. Which is scarier in The Neverending Story: The Nothing, or the wolf that serves it?

Sorry but that Kyoto Sanga uniform is fucking ugly as shit.

Why do you hate the military and America?

I actually enjoyed her first one, but I couldn’t make it 5 minutes into the new one.

This was my motto during Thanksgiving.